The Top 10 Best Movie Assassins

5. Alejandro- Sicario

movie assassins
An assassin made by monsters

One of the newer movie assassins, Alejandro keeps his skills secret until it’s time to act. A man with a tragic past, Alejandro shows that anyone can be pushed far enough by monsters to become one. A former prosecutor in Mexico, it wouldn’t seem like he would have what it takes to make it on the list. However, seeing what monsters do has taught Alejandro a lot and he uses their own vicious methods about them. He’s so good at it, that the CIA recruits him to help with the war on drugs. Let’s just say that the war is looking a little one-sided now that Alejandro has a target to focus his rage on.

4. Vincent- Collateral

movie assassins
An assassin with a really nice suit.

Tom Cruise normally plays the good guy in movies. This time around though, he plays a movie assassin that can only be described as a silver fox. He’s cunning enough to know how to get to targets and even use people to do his work for him, plus he has quite a head of silver hair. Vincent is a force of nature. Once he sets his eyes on a target, nothing is going to stop him. He’s so good, that he just walks through obstacles in his way. Impressive, considering how many obstacles LA can throw at him. However, the real reason he makes this list is that he consistently demonstrates just how cold-blooded he is.

3. Jason Bourne- The Bourne Franchise

movie assassins
An assassin made by the government.

Bourne is a tricky one. He is a former assassin working for a secret branch of the CIA, and he was one hell of an assassin. Now though, he’s a man looking for his past and future, as he tries to escape his old line of work. Of course, his skill set certainly comes in handy when it comes to getting away from other professional killers. He even finds a few targets of his own to go after along the way. Jason Bourne belongs on this list because he is observant, and his improvisational skills are remarkable. Bourne can also come up with a solution for any situation and turn anything into a weapon. The other members of this list would be hard-pressed if they found him as their next target.

2. Leon- The Professional

movie assassins
An assassin in need of a friend.

A few years ago I would have said that Leon is the undisputed best movie assassin. Even though there’s a new king in town. It’s still a close call. Leon is a hitman you can’t help but fall in love with. He’s so incredibly broken that all he has anymore is his job until he finds a young girl in desperate need of his help. It’s only then that this killer becomes a guardian. Still, his old skill set comes in handy as he takes vengeance on those that hurt his new friend, and New York is helpless against this seasoned pro. If you haven’t had a chance to see The Professional, it’s probably the movie on this list that I recommend the most.

1. John Wick- The John Wick Series

An assassin you send to kill the bogey man

Long live the new king of movie assassins. What makes John Wick so incredible is that nothing will stop him. He exhibits near superhuman will power and gun skills, that strikes fear in the hearts of anyone who knows him. John’s determination is his greatest weapon and not even life-threatening injuries can stop him. Of course, it doesn’t hurt that inciting incident for his rampage is the death of his adorable puppy. After that, everyone who experiences his wrath deserves what they get. John is number one on his list because, as one man said, “John wasn’t exactly the Boogeyman. He was the one you sent to kill the f@#*%$! Boogeyman.”

There you have it, ten of the best movie assassins Hollywood has to offer. Of course, there are dozens more of them out there, so comment below with your favorite cinematic contract killer. I’m always looking for more great movies to watch so any new ones would be awesome!