The Top 10 Best Haunted House Movies
5. The Devil’s Backbone

I love me some Guillermo del Toro. The man does creepy and does it beautifully. In fact, he almost had two entries on this list of haunted house movies, but as much as people might have loved a melodramatic Tom Hiddleston I have to say The Devil’s Backbone is the superior of the director’s haunted house movies. Especially because it takes place in an orphanage, which makes to twice as creepy. As if that wasn’t enough, the ghost in this film is absolutely haunting. Then again, you wouldn’t expect anything less from del Toro. The man is a master of his craft and this film certainly proves it.
4. The Amityville Horror

What!? The Amityville Horror is only fourth on this list!? I know that lots of people have a soft spot when it comes to “classics” but The Amityville Horror has gotten a little long in the tooth, especially considering just how many sequels and spin-offs it’s spawned. Of all the haunted house movies on this list, it’s certainly the more prolific. The thing is that prolific doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the best. Don’t get me wrong, this is a film that certainly deserves to be on this list and I’m not going to argue that it isn’t an iconic one. But given the strides in haunted house technology we’ve made, I think it’s definitely a solid fourth.
3. Poltergeist

To this day I still have trouble watching this movie without the lights on. Then again, it was made by the man who made The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Tobe Hooper. Personally, it’s one of my all-time favorites of all the haunted house movies, because it’s just so iconic. Who doesn’t whisper “this house is clean” when they see tiny women with oversized glasses? Who doesn’t turn to their friends and say “they’re here” whenever there’s static? Honestly, I kinda figured I might be the only one, but it’s not too late for that to change. If you haven’t gotten a chance to see this movie, you need to change that. Except for those of you afraid of clowns, then this is one of the movies you get a pass on.
2. The Shining

1408 stands as president that I can put hotels on this list of haunted house movies. It’s also another example of a superior Stephen King movie, even if the author himself hated it. The Shining a terrifying tale of one family’s horrific battle to survive a winter in close quarters without alcohol. Honestly, I can’t blame Jack Torrance for going a little crazy. Of course, the ghosts certainly didn’t help, but neither did that kid constantly saying “redrum” all damn day. Like the other two entries on this list, The Shining is a film icon. It’s one that’s firmly embedded itself in pop culture and you can’t go a Halloween without it being referenced at least once.
1. The Conjuring

Coming in at number one on our list of the best haunted house movies is a relatively new movie. New doesn’t mean bad though, and the only bad thing about The Conjuring is just how damn scary it is. I had heard whispers about it before going in, but nothing could prepare me for this insane masterpiece by James Wan. This is a director that proved that he doesn’t need buckets of blood to make a true horror film, and the terror of this one will last with you long after the credits roll. As far as haunted house movies go, this is one you’ll definitely want a buddy with you to watch. Otherwise, you’re in for a restless night.
Honorable Mention: House on Haunted Hill (1999)

All due respect to Vincent Price, but if I’m going to watch “bad” haunted house movies, I want to watch one that is incredibly creepy. A remake of the 1959 film, House on Haunted Hill tells the tale of a group of strangers invited by a wealthy white guy (a big red flag) to spend the night in a haunted house in exchange for $1 million in the morning (an even bigger red flag). Not many people can pass up $1 million in this economy, so the guests reluctantly arrive. Their night is filled with terror from the moment the doors are locked, trapping them inside til morning. What earns House on Haunted Hill an honorable mention is that it really leans into its creepy imagery and themes. Parts of it are almost enough to be nightmare-inducing, and I found it fascinating with how creative the film was willing to get.
Shout-Out: Scary Movie 2

Sure, it’s not scary, but I love me some horror-comedies and Scary Movie 2 is a guilty pleasure. It pokes fun at every trope and cliche the haunted house genre has to offer with hilarious results. It’s filled with memorable moments and characters (especially Chris Elliott’s Hanson) To this day, I still don’t mind watching Scary Movie 2 from time to time. Alas, this was the last truly great entry in the Scary Movie franchise, but I still felt like it deserved a shout-out on this list of haunted house movies.
There you have it! The 10 Best Haunted House movies. I’m sure a lot of you have other movies you think were deserving to be on this list, which is great! Be sure to let me know in the comments what some of your favorites are. Just don’t try to trick me into watching Hausu. I’ve already fallen for that one before and it’s nightmarish in all the wrong ways. Still, I love hearing your thoughts so feel free to share them below.
it Has been a long time, and maybe it doesn’t hold up anymore, and technically, the sorority house isn’t haunted, but the original BLACK CHRISTMAS with Olivia Hussey and Margot Kidder used to make me unable to sit on my seat.
That is a great slasher movie. It might be a Top 10 list to consider.