The Top 10 Best Stephen King Movies
Stephen King Movies Aren’t All Great, that’s Why Stars & Popcorn is Here!
Stephen King is easily one of the most prolific writers of all time. So, it makes sense that there would be a ton of movies and tv series based on his work. Let’s face it though, not all Stephen King movies are, well, good. However, there are a few diamonds in the rough out there. Luckily for you, you don’t have to sit through dozens and dozens of terrible films to find them. That’s right, I took this noble burden upon myself to bring you the 10 Best Stephen King Movies.sat through several pretty terrible movies for you, the fans, because I know your time is valuable. Besides, I wasn’t really doing anything anyway.
Hopefully, this list of Stephen King Movies saves you from watching some terrible flicks. I mean, the other option would be reading a few thousand pages, and who does that anymore? So get set, because this list is coming in hot.
10. 1408

I’ll admit, I’m a big John Cusack fan. So, I like to try to work him in on most lists some how. Lucky for me, he was actually in one of the better Stephen King movies. 1408 is one of the more recent adaptations to hit the big screen, but it’s definitely one of the better ones. It features a haunted hotel room with a history of terrible tragedies and a ghost debunker hoping to write his best book to date. Unfortunately, he meets his match when he finally discovers a true haunting that could just be the end of him. Sold yet? Well, what if I told you that Samuel L. Jackson also appears in the film? Yeah, I knew you’d like that.
9. The Mist

This is probably the most controversial of the Stephen King movies on this list. A lot of people don’t like it because of the ending, but even King said it was better than the book. I mean, imagine that. A movie better than the book? Take that book nerds! It’s about a small town enveloped by a mysterious mist filled with monsters. Of course, it takes a whole heart of darkness turn when people start turning on each other, but hey we’ve got plenty of that already. Like I said, a lot of people weren’t huge fans of the movie, but I think it’s classic King. Besides, it can’t be that bad, they’re making a television series based on it.
8. Pet Sematary (1989)

I’m a grown man and this one still freaks me out. Before The Walking Dead made zombies popular, Stephen King movies were showing us just how messed up the dead coming back was. As the late Fred Gwynne said, “sometimes, dead is better.” This twisted movie is about a pet cemetery (not Sematary) that has the power to bring the dead back to life. However, they don’t really come back how you might hope. The family cat doesn’t come back all snuggly. It wouldn’t be King though if it was just a bunch of pissed off pets… Well, maybe it would be (Cujo), but this isn’t. Things go from bad to worse and you’re just going to have to watch to find out.
7. It (2017)

Hey, a lot of people have a ton of nostalgia when it comes to Tim Curry’s portrayal of the character from the 90’s. Let’s face it though, he’s got nothing on one of the more recent Stephen King movies to hit theaters. This recent film has everything you could want from a King movie, it’s got horror, budding romance, memorable characters, and a nightmarish monster that will make you leave the light’s on at night. Everything came together perfectly to make this one of my favorite movies of 2017. Of course, I can’t wait for the sequel, but it’s got a lot to live up to in order to top this incredibly creepy horror film.
6. Doctor Sleep

2019 was a banner year for Stephen King movies with not one, not two, but three adaptations hitting theaters (even more on streaming services). The best was saved for last though as November gave us Doctor Sleep, a long-awaited sequel to his classic The Shining. The film picks up decades later as a now-adult Danny Torrence (Ewen McGregor) struggles to deal with his “gift.” Just as he gets a handle on his life, it’s thrown into chaos as a young girl with the same gift as his comes into his life seeking guidance. With her though comes a group of “vampires” that tortures and devours anyone with “the shining.” It’s a great movie because even though it’s a horror film, the characters aren’t a bunch of idiots and actually make good decisions in it, giving the audience plenty of reasons to root for them.