The Top 10 Greatest Movie Rock Bands

5. The School of Rock- School of Rock

rock bands
I mean, who wouldn’t win a battle of the bands with Jack Black?

Look I’m not going to argue that The School of Rock isn’t a great band, but I have questions about child labor laws when it comes to their work as a group. There’s no question that Dewey Finn isn’t an amazing teacher and a great musician (probably because he’s played by real-life rock star Jack Black), but he’s probably going to be facing a few lawsuits from overbearing parents because of “child endangerment” (so not Rock and Roll). That being said, the group is an inspirational amalgam of pint-sized prodigies. Lots of IRL singers started off at a young age from Justin Timberlake to Britney Spears. The School of Rock makes this list because they’re not only a great band but the Behind the Music documentaries would have been epic as fame corrupted the kids and sent them spiraling out of control.

4. Sex Bob-Omb!- Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

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At least they didn’t Bob-Omb on stage.

Little known fact about Sex Bob- Omb, their original songs were actually written by Beck Hansen and is actually performed by the actors. The band itself earns a spot on this list because they manage to knock it out of the park during the battle of the bands when they administer a devastating defeat to the Katayanagi Twins. Of course, talent is all well and good, but that’s not what makes them Rock n’ Roll. It’s the fact that after they win the battle they have a huge falling out over whether or not to make a deal with the devil aka G-Man, another evil ex. Scott backs out and the group has no problem replacing him (he is the bass player after all). Like a lot of the rock bands on this list though, Sex Bob-Omb soon finds out that selling out for fame isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

3. Wyld Stallyns- Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure and Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey

rock bands
These guys saved the world with music.

Wyld Stallyns is the greatest band of all time, because not only do they rock but because their music literally changed the world. At least that’s all according to Rufus. The band was formed by Bill S. Preston, Esq. and Ted “Theodore” Logan, III. Sure, we don’t really get to see them rock out when we first meet the founders, but in Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey we find out the rest of Wyld Stallyns consists of members like Death and not one, but two robot back up dancers. How could you not want to see them live in concert? While the other rock bands on this list might be pretty incredible none of them have had quite the “impact” that Wyld Stallyns had on the world. Let’s just hope that Bill and Ted can actually manage to get their act together and graduate from air guitar to the real thing.

2. The Blues Brothers- The Blues Brothers

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The only band on the list that’s got a higher calling.

Wylde Stallyns might be the greatest band in the history of the world, but the Blues Brothers are on a mission from God and that guy doesn’t just hand out tasks to anyone. These guys aren’t the only entry on this list of rock bands that was an actual band first. It turns out that Dan Aykroyd and Jim Belushi were actually huge Blues fans and ended up putting together a band on SNL alum and musicians to play with them. Apparently, they were good enough to warrant a few sketches and eventually a movie. The Blues Brothers was a big band with 14 members in the original line up. These brothers earn such a high place on this list because not only are they talented, but they actually use their powers for the force of good and team up to save an orphanage.

1. Spinal Tap- This is Spinal Tap

rock bands
Crank it up to 11!

When you think movie rock bands, this should be the group that comes to your mind. The film itself is satirizing the almost religious admiration so many bands were receiving during the 70’s and early 80’s. The end result hits the nail on the head and This is Spinal Tap is still one of the greatest mockumentaries of all time. Spinal Tap is about as over the top as they come and yet there’s something so familiar about them. This group nails all the archetypes audience have come to know and love from groups like The Rolling Stones, The Beatles, and so many others. The group encompasses every cliche fans have come to know and love about the bands they follow and it’s because of this that have earned the number one spot. If you haven’t seen them perform you’ll want to. Just remember to turn the volume up to 11.

So what do you think? Are those the greatest movie rock bands of all time? Are there others that deserved a spot on this list? Be sure to leave a comment below and check back in the future to see if any new movie rock bands manage to earn spots on this list!