5 Movie Characters that Could Beat John Wick
No One Has Stopped John Wick Yet, but These 5 Might Be Up to the Task.
John Wick is easily one of the most deadly action heroes of all time. Since his inception in 2014, he’s left a trail of bodies in his wake, killing anyone dumb enough to try to stop him. The way things are going it looks like no one can beat John Wick. At least no one from his cinematic universe. However, there are a few action hereoes out there who might stand a chance against Baba Yaga. I’ve compiled a list of 5 deadly characters that could potentially go toe to toe with John Wick and come out the other side alive. In order to be considered for this list, the characters have to be human (no superpowered characters, aliens, androids, etc) and don’t rely on advanced tech (no mech suits, ray guns, cyborgs, etc). I also tried to avoid comic based characters. Even with those rules in place, there’s no telling if any of the ones who make this list could actually take John Wick. So, let me know in the comments who might win in these showdowns.
Kim Soo-hyeon- I Saw the Devil

Like John Wick, Kim Soo-hyeon is a character driven by rage and revenge. His wife is murdered by a serial killer and instead of grieving, he sets out on a quest to brutalize the man responsible for killing her. A secret service agent of the National Intelligence Service (kinda like South Korea’s CIA), Kim has an incredible skill set similar to John Wick’s. Over the course of I Saw the Devil to proves to be incredibly proficient at hand to hand combat, stealth, and evasive driving. He’s also able to channel his anger into a driving force that makes him seemingly unstoppable. However, we never really get to see him go up against armed or trained enemies in I Saw the Devil. So, there’s no telling just how he might fare against another highly skilled opponent like John Wick.
John Preston- Equilibrium

John Preston is incredible when it comes to Gun Fu and is perhaps even better than John Wick himself. That’s because he’s mastered the Gun Kata, a system based off the analysis of hundreds of gunfights creating a statistical and geometric system that allows the user to move out of the most likely path of a gunshot while improving their own accuracy. This takes away one of Wick’s main advantages in a one on one fight. Wick has shown himself to be pretty incredible with a knife, but Preston seems just as skilled with a sword. This would be a fight for the ages as long as Wick wasn’t able to get too close too quickly. Wick’s use of close quarter combat systems like judo and jujitsu might prove too much for Preston once both run out of ammo.
Rama- The Raid: Redemption and The Raid 2

The Raid: Redemption is one of best action films of the new millennium, right up there with John Wick. So, it makes sense that the hero, Rama, might be able to give John Wick a run for his money. A member of the Indonesian Special Operations group, Mobile Brigade Corps, Rama has training similar to John Wick’s in weapons and tactics. However, when it comes to hand to hand combat, Rama is nearly unstoppable. Wick might be a BAMF but isn’t as skilled when it comes to fighting with just his fists, as he was easily defeated by Kirill in The Red Circle. Rama has also proven himself to have similar levels of stamina and durability (he takes a licking and keeps on ticking), and has also been known to take on multiple heavily armed opponents like Wick.