The Top 10 Coolest Sci-Fi Movie Guns
*Please Note: The Stormtrooper E-11 Blaster is Not Included on this Movie Guns List Because of a Manufacturer Recall on the Sights.*
When it comes to movie guns I think the vast majority of us are pretty staunch supporters of the second amendment. In real life, that’s a different story. However, this isn’t real life, this is a movie review site run by a huge movie geek so this week’s Top 10 list is going to looking at the Coolest Sci-Fi Movie Guns. In the past, I’ve taken a look at the 10 Coolest Mechas from Live Action Movies and 10 Coolest Movie Spaceships, so it only seemed logical to tackle guns in movies next (since I’m on this sci-fi kick). The only rules are that they have to be from a live-action science fiction movie. That means films with science fiction elements won’t qualify (so no EM-1 Railgun from Eraser) and fantasy movies won’t apply either (so no Samaritan from Hellboy). Also, this is a list of the coolest movies guns so we’re not looking for the most OP or most iconic. So, let’s get locked and loaded to kick off this list!
*Please Note: The Storm Trooper E-11 Blaster is not included on this list because of a manufacturer recall on the sights.*
10. Noisy Cricket- Men in Black

When it comes to movie guns the Noisy Cricket is pretty op. Given to rookies as a joke in the Men in Black films, the Noisy Cricket looks like a dinky toy gun. However, it packs an impressive punch with enough recoil to send your standard Will Smith flying back from the force. While it might be one of the more dangerous weapons in the MIB arsenal, it’s still a gun given as a joke. It’s not exactly a sidearm that’s going to strike terror in the hearts of your enemies, but then again no one is going to accuse you of compensating for something either. Just the fact that it’s on this list is honor enough though, which is why the Noisy Cricket is coming in at number 10.
9. TST Chemrail- Elysium

One of the lesser recognized of the sci-fi movie guns appeared at the very end of Elysium. Now, I know that the film received some mixed reviews when it came out but it definitely had some pretty awesome sci-fi elements to it (especially when it came to Matt Damon’s Max). While the awesome exo-skeletons might have been the focal point of the film, one of the most memorable moments is when Max gets snatches up a handheld railgun. For those of you who don’t know, railguns use electromagnetic force to launch high-velocity projectiles. In other words, these things rip through anything and everything. Anyone caught on the wrong end of this bad boy is going to end up looking like swiss cheese even under the best circumstances.
8. ARC Gun – District 9

It turns out that Neill Blomkamp is pretty awesome when it comes to creating sci-fi movie guns. The TST Chemrail might have torn through anything that got in its way, but the ARC gun turns its targets into splatter. One of the Prawn weapons that the Multinational United (MNU) confiscated and tried to, well, turn on, the ARC gun finally worked when Wikus van de Merwe found himself starting to turn into an alien himself. Once they put his hand on the trigger the gun came to life and blew it’s target to smithereens. Not only goes the Arc gun shoot a beam of pure energy at its target, but it also features an impressive safety feature that prevents it from being used against you. That makes it a weapon I wouldn’t mind carrying into battle.
7. Proton Pack- Ghostbusters

Some people might say that the proton pack isn’t really a gun, but I like to think of it as a ghost catching flamethrower. While you never really see it used on a human, I’m willing to bet that it probably wouldn’t be pretty. On the other hand, if you ever find yourself surrounded by ghosts the other movie guns on this list probably won’t do a thing for you. That’s why when it comes to paranormal situations the Proton Pack is probably your best bet. We definitely know it works on ghosts and I’m guessing it would probably do plenty to slow down vampires, werewolves, and other supernatural creatures. I mean, it worked pretty well on a Sumerian god and who knows if the other ones would even leave a scratch.
6. LAPD 2019 Blaster AKA the PKD- Blade Runner

Once again I find myself putting Blade Runner on another Top 10 list. However, can you really blame me when the PKD is just so cool looking? Not only does it have a design featuring a call back to the old revolvers of classic noir films, but it’s basically a hand cannon. Replicants aren’t nearly as frail and fragile as humans and this thing is designed to put them down. That means it packs some serious punch. I’m not sure what caliber it is and who knows if it even fires bullets (the original design fired black holes supposedly), but it definitely looks cool while blowing away replicants. We even got to see it again on the big screen in Blade Runner 2049 which only made it more deserving to be featured on this list.