The Top 10 Best Comic Book Movies Without Superheroes
Not All Comic Book Movies Feature Guys Running Around in Capes.
Today, I’m going to argue that superhero fatigue has nothing to do with comic book movies. The simple fact is that not all comic books are about superheroes. In fact, there are loads of them out there that don’t even feature characters in masks. Just to prove my point, I decided to count down the 10 best comic book movies of all time that don’t feature a single superhero. The rules for this list are that there can’t be any masked vigilantes in any of these movies. Vigilantes, in general, are acceptable, since that’s never been strictly a comic book thing. I’m also going to avoid including any Marvel or DC movies on this list, just to really drive my point home that there are tons of other comics out there. While you might think that seems like I’ve made the job much more difficult, all I did was help narrow my choices down to say, oh, 100 flicks or so. The films that earned a spot are so varied that I’m sure everyone will find something on this list that they’ll love (and maybe a few surprises as well). So, get ready to get your geek on because these comic book movies are ready to leap off the page and onto the silver screen!
10. Sin City

Few comic book movies feature as impressive an ensemble cast as Sin City. Sure, Marvel definitely has a lot of A-list actors (and has even “made” a few), but before that, Sin City was pretty much a who’s who of Hollywood. Bruce Willis, Rosario Dawson, Nick Offerman, Elijah Wood, Benicio del Toro… the list goes on, but the point is that all these big names signed up to be a part of this incredibly ambitious adaptation. Based on the gritty pulp comic by Mark Millar, director Robert Rodriguez sought to capture the stark chiaroscuro noir style from the source material. In Sin City, there aren’t a lot of shades of gray, literally or figuratively. This not only packs quite a visual punch but reflects the strict moral codes held in the city’s underworld. Though some of the characters in the film might seem superhuman in their abilities, not one of them is an actual superhero. Now some of them might wear tights in their free time for… Reasons.
9. The Old Guard

Despite how horrible 2020 has been, it’s been a heck of a year for comic book movies. Netflix has a pretty good track record with its original movies, and with several of their films receiving Academy Award nominations, I figured it’s time to start including their movies on my lists. With that in mind, I’m glad that I could include The Old Guard. The adaptation was actually penned by the same writer as the original comic, Greg Rucka, which probably means it’s pretty accurate to the source material. The film follows a group of immortal mercenaries, led by a battle-weary warrior played by Charlize Theron. They keep their existence a secret out of fear of what might happen to them if they’re discovered (immortal doesn’t mean they don’t feel pain). However, in an attempt to remain human by utilizing their specific skill set, the team takes combat missions if the cause is right.
8. Extraction

As I said, 2020 might have been a trash year, but it wasn’t so bad when it came to comic book movies. Netflix gave us two of the best during this disastrous year and, as good as The Old Guard was, I ended up watching Extraction multiple times following its release. Similarly to the Theron flick, Extraction is also about a mercenary, this one played by Chris Hemsworth. He’s hired to rescue the kidnapped son of a drug lord currently serving time in prison. Being the best of the best (despite a bit of a drinking problem and a need to constantly pop pain pills just to be able to stay mobile), Hemsworth’s character gets the kid back pretty easily. A double-cross leaves him alone in a city he doesn’t know with no back-up coming and an army of criminals searching for him and the kid. Rather than ditch the kid and run, Hemsworth decides to see the job through and get the kid to safety, proving that not all heroes wear capes.
7. Kingsman: The Secret Service

It’s safe to say that Matthew Vaughn is one of the best directors out there when it comes to comic book movies. He tackled costume heroes first with Kick-Ass and X-Men: First Class. However, he traded super suits for tailored ones with Kingsman: The Secret Service. The film features almost every recognizable British actor there is, from Colin Firth to Mark Strong to Michael Caine. It wasn’t just a bunch of old white guys though, and Sophia Boutella and Taron Egerton got some pretty solid star power thanks to their major roles. Kingsman is an action-packed spy thriller filled with intrigue, espionage, and Gun-Fu, as an elite spy rushes to save the world with his new protege. The film mocks the old James Bond spy flicks of yesteryear as it introduces a new generation willing to think outside the box when it comes to stopping evil masterminds.
6. Dredd

Dredd might have bombed at the box office, but it’s one of the few comic book movies that’s managed to develop a cult-like following in the years since its release. So much so that there have been multiple petitions started to get a sequel made or even a TV show following the Karl Urban version of the character. As much as the love for the film is moving, it’s strange that my fellow movie geeks wouldn’t open their wallets when it mattered most. This film is probably the closest that will come to an actual superhero movie since the hero does wear a mask in it. However, he’s no vigilante and is actually a dystopian cop. Karl Urban stars as the tougher than nails lawman who never flinches in the face of danger. This time around, he and his partner have to fight their way through a residential tower filled with the worst scum Megacity One has to offer. Fans of The Raid will definitely want to check this one out.