The Top 10 Best Movie Kings

5. Aragon AKA Elessar Telcontar- The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

movie kings- Elessar Telcontar
Turns out defeating ultimate evil has its perks.

I’m sure a lot of fantasy fans out there were waiting with baited breathe to see where old Aragon managed to earn a spot on this list of movie kings. Lord of the Rings was full of various kings from elves to dwarves to that angry eye looking thing in the sky. None of them really manage to make half the impression that Aragon does over the course of the trilogy. He rises from a humble ranger to become one of the most crucial members in the resistance against Sauron and even lead the armies of man in the charge on Mordor. It’s no wonder that Aragon was crowned king of Gondor and given the name Elessar Telcontar. He earned his right to be king by fighting for the fate of all against the ultimate evil. 

4. King George VI – The King’s Speech

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Not the most elaborate crown, but I’ll allow it.

One of the key requirements of being a good king is the ability to give rousing speeches to inspire the peasants to keep on trucking even when things are looking bleak. Well, good old King George had a bit of an issue in that department. Not to worry, because he managed to find a royal speech therapist to help him overcome his terrible stutter (spoiler alert). It was a tough road for him, but with the help of a supportive teacher and a loving nation, he managed to find the confidence in himself to speak freely to the people. Colin Firth gives a powerful performance that allowed him to go on and win the Academy Award for Best Actor that year. Plus, he’s one of the few movie kings on this list that actually existed.  

3. T’Challa- The MCU 

movie kings- T'Challa
I wonder if he has a crown made of vibranium.

Some are born great and some have greatness thrust upon them. Well, if that’s the case then I would say that T’Challa is both. Born into the Panther tribe of Wakanda, T’Challa was the loving son of King T’Chaka until he was assassinated. The honor of becoming the next Black Panther and leader of Wakanda then fell on his capable shoulders. There are a lot of warrior kings on this list, but T’Challa is one of the few superhero kings out there. He’s a man who fights not just for the sake of his country, but for the very planet (after all, that’s where Wakanda lives). He’s faced off against insurmountable odds and defeated one of the MCU’s greatest villains who also happened to be his brother. 

2. King Arthur- First Knight

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The ultimate King Arthur.

Both Sean Connery and King Arthur are making a second appearance on this list of movie kings. The two merge together in the film First Knight which tells the tale of when Lancelot first met Arthur. The wandering knight comes across Camelot and finds himself awestruck by the philosophies Arthur holds dear as a King. Now, those of you familiar with the legend will remember that while Lancelot was one of Arthur’s greatest knights, he also had a thing for Arthur’s queen, which totally violates bro code. Still, even when they were at each other’s throats, Arthur inspired Lancelot to put aside his feelings a fight for something bigger than himself. That’s the mark of a true leader, which is why this version of King Arthur is earning such a high spot. 

1. Mufasa- The Lion King

movie kings- mufasa
Long live the… Oh, wait.

When it comes to movie kings few have touched as many hearts as Mufasa. The character was a benevolent ruler who respected all life in his kingdom even though he was at the top of the food chain. While most of his subjects were on his menu, all of them still loved and respected him. Of course, when you’re truly a good king, you’re not going to have any lack of enemies and his came in the form of a scuzzy looking brother who wanted the thrown all to himself. His untimely demise was one of the most emotional sequences in Disney history and left a huge hole in all our hearts. More importantly, he left some big paws for Simba to fill. Still, even from beyond the grave he inspired his son to do what was best for the kingdom by following in his footsteps. That’s why he easily wins the number one spot on this list. 

There you have the best movie kings of all time. Of course, I’d love to hear your thoughts on the entries on here. I’d also like to hear if there are any kings that I might have forgotten to include. As always, I’ll be updating this list as more movie kings hit theaters. So, be sure to check back to see how the rankings change in the future!