The Top 10 Best Movie Stoners
These Movie Stoners Are Always Down For a Bowl or 10
Movie stoners have undergone a fascinating evolution since the dawn of cinema. They’ve gone from low-life junkie scum to hapless comic relief to counterculture icons to loveable protagonists, proving to be more versatile than even they could have suspected. That’s why I’ve pulled together a list of the top 10 greatest cinematic cannabis connoisseurs of all time. With the stigma around marijuana dissipating since its legalization in several states, Hollywood has embraced the idea that movie stoners come in all shapes and sizes, which made narrowing this list down to 10 even more difficult. That’s without even considering the OG characters that “blazed” the trail for them. So, I tried to find a balance between iconic and unique movie marijuana enthusiasts. That said, it’s bound to be 4:20 somewhere, which means it’s time to get ripped with these epic movie stoners.
10. Mike Howell- American Ultra

Ever wonder what would happen if Jason Bourne got baked? Mike Howell (Jesse Eisenberg) is, more or less, exactly that. Mike also is the byproduct of a secret CIA program designed to create “ultra” assets that eventually left him with amnesia. Mike is essentially a sleeper agent programmed with all the skills of a Jason Statham stock character that will only activate when he hears a series of code words. In the meantime, he’s not on this list for nothing and definitely has a passion for the ganja. The program I mentioned earlier had a few side effects, such as anxiety and panic attacks that would be absolutely debilitating for Mike if not for his medicinal use of marijuana. While he might seem like an unconventional pick for this list of movie stoners, Mike proves that not every pothead sits on the couch all day watching cartoons. Just a lot of them.
9. Jeff Spicoli- Fast Times at Ridgemont High

Jeff Spicoli is one of the best movie stoners of all time because he’s played by an actor who might be the antithesis of mellow, Sean Penn. The contrast between the two has convinced me that Spicoli might be his most impressive performance of all time. Spicoli is one of those timeless perpetually stoned surfer dudes that somehow exist in all high schools. He sees the world through rose-tinted, albeit hazy, glasses that make it all but impossible to harsh his vibe, brah. His happy-go-lucky class clownery ends up earning the ire of his history teacher, Mr. Hand (Ray Walston), who sets out to teach the young hippie a lesson or two. Spicoli, though, doesn’t have the attention span for just one problem and ends up juggling quite a few by the end of Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Like any good surfer, Spicoli knows how to keep his head above water no matter how rough it gets, and lives to puff the dragon another day.
8. Saul Silver and Dale Denton- Pineapple Express

Like their real-life counterparts, movie stoners are social creatures by nature and gather in herds to get lit and satiate the munchies. So, I’m going to include duos and small groups on this list as well as individuals. I was a little hesitant to include Seth Rogen and James Franco’s characters from Pineapple Express, given some recent allegations. However, the two are just such convincing potheads (it is worth mentioning Rogen is a big fan of the electric cabbage). Some have called the friendship between Saul and Dale one of the best big-screen bromances of all time, but that should come as no surprise since most movie stoners are lovers, not fighters. That becomes a bit of a problem though when they find themselves wrapped up with a group of equally hapless (but much more dangerous) criminals who want the two dead. Thrust into a life and death situation, these two adorable buds have to go on the run while trying their best not to smoke too much, well, bud.
7. Marty- The Cabin in the Woods

For those of you who think being high 24/7 is a bad thing, my counterpoint is Marty (Fran Kranz). When a group of college kids is lured to a cabin in the woods, they discover it’s actually a staging area to be unwittingly manipulated through chemicals and pheromones into becoming sacrifices to elder gods, only Marty’s dank-ass bud stands between them and being led like lambs to the slaughter. It counteracts the effects and allows Marty to spring into action… After checking for pop tarts first. The truth is that Marty is one of those sage movie stoners who can ramble philosophically at length on any topic, and seems to always have some profound observation to offer. Despite the bloodshot eyes and the dulled reaction speed, there’s an underlying brilliance to Marty that suggests there’s no obstacle he can’t overcome given enough chronic. Besides, the guy has one of the coolest bongs in movie history, but that’s a conversation for another top 10 list.
6. Jay and Silent Bob- The View Askewniverse

When it comes to movie stoners, few have had nearly as many crazy adventures as Jay (Jason Mewes) and his hetero-life-mate, Silent Bob (Kevin Smith). The two are so prolific with their exploits that they not only became the cornerstone of a cinematic shared universe but eventually had a movie (and subsequent reboot) adapted from comic book characters based on them within that universe. They’re also prophets of the Lord who helped prevent the end of the world. I could go on, but the list of shenanigans the duo have gotten up to over the course of 8 movies, two comics, an animated series, and a few video games is long. Their popularity alone earns them a respectable spot in the movie stoners hall of fame, but they also seem like two dudes whose hearts are genuinely in the right place. They just have issues when it comes to expressing themselves.
Wonderful list! Wouldn’t change a thing.