The Top 10 Best Secret Service Agents from Movies
5. Doug Chesnik- Guarding Tess

Did you know that former Presidents, their spouses, and children (under 16) qualify for Secret Service protection for life? That’s why Agent Dough Chesnik (Nicolas Cage) has found himself stationed in Ohio guarding the widowed former first lady, Tess Carlisle (Shirley MacLaine). Tess treats Doug like he’s some kind of servant, ordering him to bring her breakfast in bed and even go chasing after her balls during golf outings. This infuriates him since he remains as professional as he can, while Tess always lands him in trouble with his superiors. Unfortunately, Doug has sworn to protect her, which means he can’t exactly strangle her no matter how insufferable she proves to be. However, when Tess finds herself in legitimate danger, it’s Doug who proves he will go to any lengths to keep her safe. He’s exactly the sort of man you’d want as your guardian angel, which earns him a respectable spot on this list.
4. Frank Horrigan- In the Line of Fire

I guess it’s easier to justify throwing yourself in front of a bullet when you don’t have that many years left in you. Frank Horrigan (Clint Eastwood) has been one of the top Secret Service Agents for longer than most have been in the service. These days though, he’s fueled by the power of unfiltered old man rage, which has kept him going long after his body begs him to stop. Despite a prostate the size of a cantaloupe and more plaque in his arteries than his mouth, Frank is still able to teach these whipper snappers a thing or two as he shuffles into action to stop an assassination plot to kill the President. His adversary proves to be as ageist as his superiors and underestimates the old Eastwood tenacity as he makes his well-calculated moves. With seconds to spare, Frank hobbles in front of the assassin’s bullet and saves the President’s life. Who says you need to teach an old dog new tricks so long as the ones they know still work.
3. Duane Stevenson- Dave

One of the best movie Presidents of all time was in good hands thanks to Duane Stevenson (Ving Rhames). Okay, so technically Dave Kovic (Kevin Kline) wasn’t the actual President, but a stand-in when the real Commander-in-Chief suffered a stroke. That didn’t stop Duane from taking his oath to protect the man in the Oval Office seriously. It takes him a while to warm up to Dave, since he sees him as an imposter at first. However, Duane is willing to take a bullet for him if it comes to that, because he sees Dave as a good man worth saving. Fortunately, Duane doesn’t have to go that far for Dave. So, why’s he getting such a high spot among these cinematic Secret Service Agents? Just look at him! Anyone crazy enough to make an attempt on Dave would have a change of heart once they see the terrifying man standing between them. Duane Stevenson is the ultimate deterrent when it comes to Secret Service Agents.
2. Leo Barnes- The Purge Election Year

Leo Barnes AKA “Sarge” (Frank Grillo) first appeared in The Purge: Anarchy as a man on a quest for vengeance. Following his misguided attempt at purging, he saw the light and joined the Secret Service intending to protect anti-Purge Presidential Candidate, Charlene Roan (Elizabeth Mitchell). Normally, politicians are off-limits during the Purge, but seeing a chance at losing the election, the New Found Fathers of America decided to revoke that exception in order to target her with their own assassins. They weren’t counting on Barnes, and he proves once again that when someone is placed under his protection, he’s a force to be reckoned with. He fights off not only the “regular” crazies that the Purge brings out, but alt-right ultra assassins hellbent on maintaining the status-quo. None of the other Secret Service Agents on this list face anything like what Barnes went through that night, but he still falls just shy of the number one spot.
1. Mike Banning- Olympus Has Fallen, London Has Fallen, and Angel Has Fallen

Despite the Fallen franchise not being “good” in the traditional sense of the word, no other cinematic Secret Service Agents are even close to the same level as Mike Banning (Gerard Butler). Banning defied the odds and saved not just one President, but two, on three separate occasions. When North Korean insurgents seized control of the White House, Banning took them down one by one. Apparently, a Pakistani arms dealer didn’t learn anything from that event, because he makes an attempt on the same President in London, despite Banning being there. I’ll let you guess how that goes, because Banning returns once again when a Private Millitary contractor paints a target on his back to cover up an assassination attempt of his own. Once again, Banning proves himself to be the terminator of Secret Service Agents and guns down dozens of trained killers. He’s an assassin’s worst nightmare and that earns him the top spot on this list.
Honorable Mention: Frank Farmer- The Bodyguard

Frank Farmer (Kevin Costner) is one of the best bodyguards in the business because he developed his skills while serving as a Secret Service Agent. He supposedly even saved a President’s life back in the day. That’s why he’s worth every penny as a bodyguard to the rich and famous. While a lot of celebrities might hire guys who look the part of a human mountain turned guardian, Farmer runs circles around them. He’s a man who leaves his ego at the door and prioritizes his client’s safety above everything else. As a former Secret Service Agent, I figured he deserved an honorable mention thanks to his incredible skill set.
Shout-Out: John Cale- White House Down

While he might not have been an official Secret Service Agent, I’m pretty sure that John Cale (Channing Tatum) is going to get the job after he rescued the President from a well organized plot on his life. Despite teams of former Special Forces operators targeting the Commander-in-Chief (Jamie Foxx), Cale proves to be a human monkey wrench as he turns his bad luck against them. Of course, Cale has plenty of skills to back up his bad luck after serving a tour in Afghanistan and earning a reputation as a war hero. Turns out heroes are pretty good at kicking the crap out of terrorists, and after his bravery, there’s no doubt in my mind that he’ll make one hell of a Secret Service Agent.
Dishonorable Mention: Tim Collins- Absolute Power

One reason I could never be a Secret Service Agent is that I couldn’t protect an evil man no matter how “important” he might be. In that regard, I have to salute Tim Collins (Dennis Haysbert) for going the extra mile when it comes to his job. However, I condemn him for helping one of the vilest movie Presidents of all time cover up a murder. Collins took the definition of “protection” a little too far in the service of President Richmond (Gene Hackman) and spat in the face of justice to do so. He’s a Secret Service Agent turned goon for a corrupt mad man, which makes him a villain in my book. Because of that, he’s getting a dishonorable mention.
Those are my picks for the best cinematic Secret Service Agents of all time. They’ve kept plenty of movie Presidents safe and sound over the years, but I’d love to hear your thoughts on the list above. Let me know who your favorites are and if there are any characters I might have missed in the comments below. As always, I’ll be updating this list as new Secret Service Agents make their cinematic debuts. So, be sure to check back from time to time in order to see how the rankings might change.