The Top 10 Best Supernatural Slashers from Movies

5. Pinhead- The Hellraiser Franchise

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Anyone have a claw hammer?

Straight from the bowels of hell, we have an S&M fanatic taken to the extreme. While many of the slashers on this list like to get their hands dirty, Pinhead prefers to delegate his tasks to his creepy minions, the cenobites. Still, when the chips are down you can bet that this unfortunate nail gun victim doesn’t get squeamish at the sight of blood. In fact, he probably has a very… different reaction. Pinhead is the nightmarish creation of Clive Barker who believes the line between pleasure and pain is easily blurred and he’s willing to prove it to anyone who doubts him. Of all the entries on this list, Pinhead has the most impressive list of powers at his disposal from hooks and chains that come out of nowhere, to an entire underworld realm at his beck and call. The downside is that someone needs to solve a demonic Rubix cube to free him.

4. Pennywise- It

supernatural killers
Property values have really gone down since that clown moved in.

I get that most of the world loves Tim Curry, but for the sake of this list, I’m going with the version of the terrifying clown played by Bill Skarsgård in the recent big-screen adaptation of the Stephen King classic. Pennywise is a straight-up monster. Which might normally disqualify him from this list, but he’s a sentient monster. While a lot of the other supernatural slashers might not have an age requirement for their victims, Pennywise likes to go after kids and eats them. He might not be a slasher in the traditional sense, but when you’re an interdimensional demon with control over the very fabric of reality, who needs a knife? Of course, like so many other entries on this list, things don’t go so great for Pennywise when he meets the losers of Derry. Hang in there, big guy. You’ll get them in 27 years.

3. Michael Myers- The Halloween Franchise

supernatural killers
You guys having a Halloween party?

Now we’re getting to the holy trinity of supernatural slashers. First up we have the dreaded Michael Myers. At first glance, he might not seem like a contender for this list, since he doesn’t exhibit over supernatural powers. However, the guy is like the energizer bunny of big-screen slashers, and if he’s not superpowered than he’s got to be hopped up on a dangerous combination of PCP and steroids. We’ve seen him take deadly falls, get shot, and suffer a ton of what would normally be considered fatal injuries, but the guy just won’t stay down. Plus, when a trained psychiatrist calls you “pure evil” you know that something’s got to be up there since they’re not supposed to be squeamish. A lot of people might think Michael is King of the Slashers, but he just doesn’t have the sheer numbers to earn the number one spot on this list.

2. Freddy Krueger- The Nightmare on Elm Street Franchise

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He’s got the real five finger death punch.

One, two, Freddy’s coming for you. Even this guy’s heralds are pretty creepy and don’t even get me started on his complexion. Like Pennywise, Freddy started with an age limit when it came to his victims, but over the years he’s become a little more open-minded. Of course, I’ve got no love for “reformed” pedophiles (>cough< Victor Slava >cough<), but it just adds to the evil factor when it comes to this five finger killer. If knives for fingers don’t scare you, then how about the fact that this guy comes for you in your dreams and in there he’s in control. Of all the entries on this list, Freddy has the biggest personality and sure likes to shoot his mouth off a lot. Then again, little dogs tend to like to bark a lot, but they certainly don’t have the same bite as the big ones…

1. Jason Voorhees- The Friday the 13th Franchise

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TGIF, right fellas?

When it comes to sheer volume of kills, Jason crushes the competition. Everyone else on here might have dozens of kills under their belts, but Jason has over 200 confirmed kills. Plus, this guy is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. He’s absolutely massive and no matter what you throw at him, he’s not going to stop. Hell, even the number two entry on this list tried to take him down and that didn’t work out so well for him. When Jason is involved, then you know he’s going to leave one hell of a mess in his wake. Not only does he go after teens, but anyone else who accidentally crosses his path will soon find themselves dead in the most gruesome fashion imaginable. He might not be much for words, but his fashion sense speaks volumes for him. That’s why he earned the number one slot on this list.

Honorable Mention: Wishmaster and Leprechaun

While they might be powerful and scary supernatural slashers, both of these guys require their victims to make a wish, which then they twist in typical monkey paw fashion. Despite their powers they might have, both can be defeated by adding a “with no negative repercussions from my current perspective” clause at the end of any wish.

Of course, there are literally hundreds of supernatural slashers from the big screen out there. While I would argue this is an undisputed list of the best of the best, I’m always happy to hear your thoughts. So if you have a killer for me to check out or a franchise for me to watch, leave a comment below. If not, then make sure you check back from time to time, because I’ll always update this list as new and better supernatural slashers make their way to the silver screen.