The Top 10 Best Cartoon Cats from Movies

5. Jiji- Kiki’s Delivery Service

Who says dogs are they only ones that are loyal?

Studio Ghibli’s Hayao Miyazaki has been called the Walt Disney of Japan (though I consider Miyazaki movies far superior). So, it’s no wonder that one of his cartoon cats managed to earn a spot on this list. Kiki’s Delivery Service centers on the titular young woman who happens to be a witch. Being a bustling young entrepreneur, she sets up a delivery service, using her magic broom to fly her packages across the land. At her side through each of her adventures is her smart-mouthed, black cat, Jiji. Being a witch’s cat, Jiji is able to speak, though only Kiki can understand him. When her first delivery goes bad, Jiji steps in and pretends to be a cat toy until Kiki can retrieve the real thing. For being such a selfless kitty, Jiji earns a respectable spot on this list.    

4. Tiger- The American Tail movies

Tiger tends to be the one in distress.

Despite being the land of opportunity, immigration is not an easy process in America. Even if you manage to make it here, you’re probably going to face a certain degree of prejudice from the more ignorant and embarrassing members of this country. An American Tail captured that harsh reality as immigrant mice were tormented by American cats. However, NOT ALL AMERICAN CATS are horrible racists (specieists?) Enter Tiger, a big old fluffy cat with a heart of gold. While the rest of the cats might get their jollies terrorizing mice, Tiger has a more liberal “live and let live” mentality. He even goes so far as to take Fifel Mousekewitz under his protection (not that he’s much of a fighter). For not being an ignorant racist (speciesist?), Tiger earns a top spot among the very best cartoon cats from movies.  

3. Tigger- Winnie the Pooh

T I double G-Er

Is Tigger a tiger? Is Tigger a stuffed animal? Well, for the sake of this list, Tigger is a cat. One of the best and most iconic manic cartoon cats of all time! You want to know what the wonderful thing about Tigger(s) is?

“The wonderful thing about Tiggers

Is Tiggers are wonderful things!

Their tops are made out of rubber

Their bottoms are made out of springs!”


He does a better job of explaining it, but in all seriousness, Tigger is a wonderfully positive force in the Winnie the Pooh-verse and I’m glad he was a part of my childhood. 

2. Puss in Boots- The Shrek Series

It’s a trick!

You know you’ve got a hell of a cartoon cat on your hands when it generates enough popularity for a spin-off movie. Antonio Banderas’ Puss in Boots managed to make such an impression on Shrek fans, that he owned his own fairytale film. More than popularity though, Puss is an all-around great cat to have in your corner. Not only does he have some fancy footwear, but he’s also a pretty impressive fencer as well. I’m not going to lie, Puss is probably the best part of the Shrek franchise and by far away my favorite character. The scene where he fights off the king’s guard so Shrek can save Fiona is still one of my favorite animated movie scenes of all time. For his chivalry and valor in the face of insurmountable odds, Puss earns a respectable spot among these cartoon cats.

1. Oliver- Oliver and Company

Let’s get into some trouble.

Like most things in life, this list of the top 10 best cartoon cats comes down to the most adorable of the bunch. That’s right, this little stray orange kitten stole my heart as a kid with his never-say-die attitude. He’s tenacious and tough enough for a pack of stray dogs to adopt him as one of their own and take him under their wing. Oliver doesn’t earn a spot here just because he manages to win over some dogs. Oliver goes on to rescue a little girl from an attempted kidnapping with the help of his gang of mutts. Not only is he kind, caring, and friendly (not to mention simply adorable), but he’s brave enough to stand up to any odds no matter how big they might be. That earns him the top spot on this list of cartoon cats. 

Honorable Mention: Luna- Sailor Moon


Anime fans can rest assured that I’m including the legendary Luna on this list of cartoon cats with an honorary mention. Luna is a wonderful guardian for Sailor Moon and the rest of the scouts, but she’s also an obnoxious mother hen at times. Still, she’s a staple of my childhood, thanks to a younger sister who was obsessed with Sailor Moon. Since she got a big screen movie or two in Japan, I figured she earned a place among the others.

Dishonorable Mention: The Siamese- Lady and the Tramp

No… Just no…

These cartoon cats are getting a firm dishonorable mention not just a prime example of the kind of thinly veiled racism that Disney used to roll out all the time back in the day (thankfully the studio is much more woke now), but because they’re total jerks. Not only do they frame Lady by terrorizing a newborn baby, but they destroy everything they can get their claws one. Forget a spray bottle, I’d like to blast these two with a firehose. 

As I said earlier, there are tons of cartoon cats that have appeared on the big screen over the years. These are my picks for the best of all time, but I’d love to hear your thoughts. Did I get them all? Were there some that I forgot? Let me know in the comments below. As always, I’ll be updating this list as new cartoon cats hit theaters. So, be sure to check back from time to time to see how the rankings might change!