The Best Horror Comedies You Can Stream for Halloween
Updated for 2018: Horror Might Not Be for Everyone. Horror Comedies on the Other Hand…
After seeing Happy Death Day in theaters, I felt compelled to binge watch as many horror comedies as I could find. With Halloween right around the corner it only seemed fair to share my findings with those that might be a bit more squeamish when it comes to horror films, but still, want something fun to help them embrace the holiday. So, I compiled this list of movies you can stream from Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime. Just to be fair, I decided to include two from each service, so everyone would have a double feature to enjoy. There are plenty of well-known horror comedies like Scary Movie out there, but I thought it might be fun to try to throw in a few movies fans might not have had a chance to watch yet. So enjoy this list of films that will offer up plenty of laughs while still offering up everything you might love from the horror genre.
Patchwork (Netflix)

Looking for something a horror comedy that can pass the Bechdel-test? Well, then I’ve got the perfect suggestions for you. Patchwork tells the tale of three women who find themselves “Frankensteined” together. Essentially, they’re all in one body, but their minds all exist within it. The good news is that the three women seem to be of the same mind that they need to get revenge on whoever did this to them. It’s campy, funny, and actually a pretty empowering film. If you like your horror comedies with strong female protagonists, this is definitely one you’ll want to watch.
Crush the Skull (Prime)

This is probably one of my personal favorite horror comedies. It was included on my list of the Best Horror Movies to Stream for Halloween, and I’m going to toss it on this horror comedies list as well. Initially, I had the opportunity to see the Crush the Skull at the Florida Film Festival and met co-writer Chris Dinh, who was incredibly nice. So, at the very least you should see this movie to support the filmmakers. It’s a much more dialogue driven comedy about a group of thieves that find themselves trapped in a house that belongs to a vicious serial killer. It quickly becomes a game of cat and mouse as they try to find a way to escape with their lives.
They’re Watching (Netflix)

A tv crew travels to a remote European village in order to do a follow-up interview with an artist living out in the countryside. So, of course, things go sideways as soon as they land. The locals seem to think that there are witches watching their every movement and try to warn the crew in the least hospitable ways that they can. What starts out as folklore quickly becomes reality as they find themselves encountering weirder and weirder events. However, they’re unsure if it’s the so-called witches or the locals that they need to be scared of. While the ending of this movie might leave some unsatisfied, the chemistry between the leads makes this a laugh out loud horror comedy.
Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon (Prime)

If you’re a fan of slasher movies than you’re going to love this mock-umentry following a fledgling serial killer preparing for his first night of terror. What makes this film so incredible is that he’s a character that sees what he does not only as a job but as his art. Over the course of the film, we get to see the work that killers put in behind the scenes in order to make their rampages perfect. As Leslie carefully picks the kids, sets them up in the perfect location, and runs his plans past his mentor, we get to see that horror movie slashers are people too. Sick, twisted, and demented people, but you get the point. This is definitely one of those horror comedies that does right by horror fans.
Mom and Dad (Hulu)

More often than not you get horror movies where creepy kids coming after unsuspecting parents, but Mom and Dad takes that cliche and turns it on its head. Instead of the kids going nuts the parents have had enough and a small town goes crazy as moms and dads go after their little “darlings.” It might not sound like much, but any movie with Nicolas Cage acting batshit crazy is worth watching in my book. It has everything you might want from a horror film but is funny enough to make it a worthwhile addition to this list of horror comedies. The only thing is that this is a Hulu exclusive so if you’re not signed up for it you probably won’t have much luck streaming it.