The Top 10 Best Movie Dragons
5. King Ghidorah- The Godzilla Films

Japan has pumped out a ton of
4. Draco- Dragonheart

Love him or hate him, there’s no arguing that Sean Connery has one of the most iconic voices in Hollywood history. Because of that Draco from Dragonheart is earning a respectable spot on this list of movie dragons. Draco isn’t the noblest of the dragons to appear on this list, after all, he joins a knight to run dragon-slaying scams on small villages. However, when the chips are down he rises to the occasion and fights along with Dennis Quaid to over through a vicious tyrant. While Dragonheart spawned a ton of terrible sequels, that doesn’t make Draco any less deserving to be among the greats that managed to make this list so far. Still, he doesn’t quite make the cut for the number one spot.
3. The Alpha Male- Reign of Fire

So often movie dragons are treated like the bad boys of the fantasy world. Sure they wreak havoc and destruction, incinerate entire villages, and horde away precious gems, but deep down they’re just misunderstood. Well, Reign of Fire wasn’t buying all that and while it’s filled to the brim with dragons that would make mere mortal men piss themselves in fear, the Alpha Male was truly a sight to behold. This mammoth required the combined skills of Christian Bale and Matthew McConaughey in order to defeat him. Sure there have been some scary dragons on this list, but the Alpha Male is everything a fantasy nerd could want to see from these fire breathing monsters on the big screen.
2. Falcor- The Never Ending Story

One of the most beloved staples of my childhood was The Never Ending Story and because of that Falcor will always be one of my favorite movie dragons of all time no matter what. He’s based more on the Eastern interpretation of a dragon, which gives him a long, serpent-like appearance. However, it’s the fact that he’s got a face like a doggo that makes him so damn endearing. Falcor is also a luck dragon, which means he’s got a habit of showing up at just the right moment to save the day (kinda like a deus ex machina of the fantasy world). More importantly, though, he’s the only entry on this list of movie dragons that would probably be pleasant to cuddle with.
1. Toothless- The How to Train Your Dragon Trilogy

If I had made this list of the best movie dragons last year, I doubt that Toothless would have nabbed the number one spot. However, after seeing to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World this guy has won my heart. He’s adorable, good in a fight, and has the respect of every other dragon in the world, which pretty much makes him King of the Dragons. Best of all, he’s a handi-capable dragon that helps battle the stigma that disabled dragons can’t be heroes too (I assume it’s a thing on Tumblr). Toothless was already pretty impressive to begin with, but Hidden World gifted him a few new powers to solidify his claim to the top spot when it comes to movie dragons. It just goes to show that dragons can be friends if you just give them a chance.
Honorable Mention: Quetzalcoatl- Q

This list of movie dragons has had some pretty strange entries on it. However, none of them are quite as weird as Quetzalcoatl. The film is about 50 kinds of weird, and the visual effects don’t exactly hold up, but Quetzalcoatl definitely leaves a lasting impression. It’s just hard to tell if it’s a good one or a bad one.
There are dozens of other movies dragons out there, so let me know in the comments below what you think of the 10 that managed to make this list. You can also let me know if there are any great movie dragons I might have missed. As always, I’ll be updating the rankings and new movie dragons appear on the big screen, so be sure to check back from time to time to see how they might change.