7 Movies Game of Thrones Fans Will Love!
These Flicks will Help with those Nasty Game of Thrones Withdrawals.
Well, my friends, Game of Thrones is finally over and I’m sure a lot of you have some pretty mixed emotions about it. Rather than wallow in anger over unresolved story arcs, rushed endings and coffee cups, I figured it’s best to look back on the incredible journey with fond memories. However, fond memories really don’t help fill that Game of Thrones shaped hole in all our hearts (and our Sunday nights). That’s why I figured I should do my part in helping us all move on with our lives by putting together a list of movies to help with our collective Game of Thrones withdrawal. Bear in mind no films is going to live up to the epic scale of a 73 episode series, but these movies all have things that Game of Thrones fans should enjoy. So, get ready for seven movies filled with swords, dragons, and just a bit of Sean Bean.

Game of Thrones was filled with characters driven by revenge and honor who lived and died by the sword. Luckily, Gladiator is a movie with plenty of that to go around. If you’re a fan of stoic heroes standing up to psychopathic dictators (like, say, King Joffrey) then you should love watching Russell Crowe leading a rebellion against Joaquin Phoenix. In fact, Jack Gleeson says Phoenix performance as Commodus in the film inspired his portrayal of Joffery. Gladiator is a dark film about men coming together to overcome seemingly insurmountable odds. It’s even got some pretty bloody battle sequences that are just as awe-inspiring as any in the HBO series. Thematically, Gladiator should go a long way in helping to mourn the loss of Game of Thrones.
Black Death

While his part in Game of Thrones might have been short-lived, Sean Bean was definitely one of the best parts of the entire series. If you’re missing good old Ned Stark’s skills with a sword and diplomacy, then Black Death is definitely a film you’ll want to check out. It features a group of knights (led by Sean Bean) who set out to investigate rumors of a witch in a small village. They arrive to begin their investigation, but nothing is what it seems. It features armor-clad heroes, just enough supernatural elements to make things interesting and is a film I know that Game of Thrones fans should enjoy. It also managed to make an appearance on the Top 10 Best Knight Movies list, which might have a few other films that Game of Thrones junkies will enjoy.
The 13th Warrior

I personally feel like The 13th Warrior is an underrated movie. I won’t argue that it’s a cinematic masterpiece, but it features a man in a strange land helping warriors fight a supernatural army. So if you were a fan of the wildlings from North of the wall doing battle with the white walkers, this film might hit the spot. Antonio Banderas plays a Middle Eastern poet that ends up in the hands of Viking warriors who are defending their village from a seemingly unstoppable army that attacks at night. These ghostly warriors terrorize them until a brave few decide to take a stand and fight back. It’ features plenty of swordplay in a medieval setting that is reminiscent of Game of Thrones. Plus the whole evil undead army thing is pretty cool if you ask me.

One of the great things about Game of Thrones was that it featured the few revolting against unjust rule. Back before he was problematic, Mel Gibbson played William Wallace, a Scotsman who decided to tell the British to shove it after years of tyrannical rule. It went on to win a ton of Academy Awards the year it came out, including Best Picture and Best Director, which definitely speaks to the quality of the film. However, it also has a lot of elements that Game of Thrones fans will enjoy. Braveheart has plenty of swordplay (including lots of Claymore action), rousing speeches, and a hero that refuses to back down from a maniacal ruler. It’s all based on a true story too, so just don’t expect any sorcery to go with the swordplay.

Game of Thrones had some truly legendary battles with incredible characters on both sides of the fight (though there were seldom simply two sides in any given fight). If you’re looking for a big screen film featuring guys with swords and shield rushing into battle on a grand scale. On one side you have Achilles, a blessed warrior with god-blood running through his veins, on the other is Hector, the leader of the Trojans and one of their most skilled fighters. The two clash in a war that was fought over the love of a woman, so you can imagine all the drama behind the scenes. Troy also features an all-star cast, including Eric Banna, Rad Pitt, and, you guessed it, Sean Bean. It might not be the best movie on this list, but it’s still a fun sword and sandal epic.
Reign of Fire

Hey, knights, political struggles and grand battles are all well and good, but let’s face it, you’re probably going to miss those dragons just as much if not more. Don’t worry though, because there are plenty of dragon movies out there to help fill that void in your life. For the sake of this list, I decided to go with the post-apocalyptic film Reign of Fire. If might not be a sword and sorcery flick, but it’s got a dark, bleak feel to it and even features some British accents. Best of all, the dragons in it aren’t playing nice and you’ll have plenty of chances to watch them burn plenty of victims to ash. It’s not a film that will win any awards but definitely has a Game of Thrones feel to it with its medieval vibe and fire-breathing monsters featured throughout it.

Yeah, George R.R. Martin is pretty good when it comes to political drama, but he’s no William Shakespeare (no offense). One of the Bard’s greatest epics, King Lear, got an eastern makeover in Akira Kurosawa’s Ran. The film follows a warlord who decides to abdicate his throne and leave his kingdom to one of his three children. If you think they sit around and have a calm discussion about who is most deserving of the throne, then you’ve got another thing coming. With some gentle pushing a prodding pretty soon treachery is afoot and things escalate quickly. If you miss all the political backstabbing and bloodshed that Game of Thrones gave us every week, then you’ll definitely want to check out this classic samurai film.
Honorable Mention: Lord of the Rings

Sometimes the best cure for epic blues is another epic. Lord of the Rings gets an honorary mention because the likely hood of hardcore Game of Thrones fans not having seen this trilogy is pretty slim to none. Still, if you’re missing massive battles, bonds forged by intense trials, and plenty of fantasy elements, then you might want to dust off this incredible trilogy. Besides, if you watch the extended cuts, they’re almost as long as Game of Thrones.
Nothing will probably completely fill the hole that Game of Thrones left in your life, but hopefully, these 7 movies will help. If not, you can also check out some of these King Arthur flicks as well. Be sure to leave a comment letting me know which of these films is your favorite, and let me know what you’re watching to help you move on from HBO’s fantasy epic in the comments below.