The Definitive Ranking of Studio Ghibli Movies from Worst to Best

4. Princess Mononoke

An anime icon!

Right here is where ranking Studio Ghibli movies started to become all but impossible. The degrees separating these next few films are minuscule at most as every one of them is a masterpiece. Princess Mononoke and its heroine, San, has become a feminist icon in the anime community. Taking place in 14th century Japan, San is a human girl raised by wolf spirits, which causes her to take on the mantle of protector of the forest. Though she hates humans, she teams up with one to save the spirit of the forest before it’s too late. I absolutely love this movie. 

3. Howl’s Moving Castle

The original mobile home.

When it comes to Studio Ghibli movies, most people are familiar with Howl’s Moving Castle. It got a huge push in the US with an impressive English language cast and has been on most streaming services. There’s a good reason for that though since it’s one of the studio’s best films to date. It’s a fanciful tale about a girl with a curse who takes up residence with a vain sorcerer, his apprentice, and his fire demon who powers his magical castle. Miyazaki creates a magical world inspired by anglophilia, making this one of the most beautiful animated movies of all time. 

2. Grave of the Fireflies

Grab a box of tissues…

Get your hanky ready, because Grave of the Fireflies is probably one of the saddest films ever made. It’s almost suiting that this film has come in at the number 2 spot in this ranking of Studio Ghibli movies since it was the second film that the studio made. Seriously though, Grave of the Fireflies is a brutal watch. A rip your heart out, leave you sobbing in the fetal position long afterward, kind of sad. Are all those tears worth it? Hell yeah, they are. This is a breathtakingly beautiful film that looks at a historical event Americans never really think about, the dropping of the atomic bombs on Japan. 

1. Spirited Away

A fantastic fairy tale.

I had to go with my heart when it came to the number one spot on this ranking of Studio Ghibli movies and my heart has always said, “Spirited Away.” It’s such a vibrant and rich fantasy tale about a girl who finds herself forced to save her parents when they accidentally wander into a strange alternative reality. There she meets witches, dragons, and many more fantastical creatures (including my spirit animal, No Face). It’s an incredible adventure the whole family can enjoy together. If you haven’t, now is the perfect time to do just that!

There you have my ranking of all the Studio Ghibli movies that have been released so far. I’m sure every true Ghibli fan will have a few words about which film actually deserved the number one spot. So, let me know in the comments below. As always, I’ll be updating these rankings to include new Studio Ghibli movies when they come back and you can always check back to see how the rankings might change.