The Top 10 Best Frankenstein Movies
It’s Alive! This List of Frankenstein Movies is Alive!
Before you say it, yes, I know Frankenstein was the doctor, everyone does, but for the sake of not being completely insufferable, I’m going to call this is a list of Frankenstein movies. Frankenstein seems like the “junior” type so it only seems fitting that we refer to him by his surname. Now, since I’ve already put together lists of the best vampire movies, as well as the best werewolf movies, it seemed only right that I should do the same for Frankenstein movies. After all, he does round out the holy trinity of classic movie monsters and it would be disrespectful not to. That being said, good Frankenstein movies are few and far between. So I took a few liberties with this list so that films like I, Frankenstein wouldn’t earn a spot on here by default. I included modern takes on Prometheus as well as films in which he appeared, but might not have been in from the start. So get ready, because this list features some shockingly great versions of the classic movie monster!
10. The Rocky Horror Picture Show

First up on this list of Frankenstein movies is one that I made a judgment call with. Yes, The Rocky Horror Picture Show is one of the biggest cult classic films of all time. But is it really good? I’m not here to argue either way, but I will say that it certainly deserves a spot on here based on how beloved it is. The monster in question is Rocky, who is a far cry from the cobbled-together living corpse that we all know and love. Instead, Rocky is supposed to be superhuman with his handsome face, rich tan, and well endowed… physique. He’s brought to life by Doctor Frankenfurter (obvious reference) in order to be his ultimate plaything. Rocky though doesn’t seem too interested in his intended purpose, but what else is new when it comes to Frank?
9. Frankenstein’s Army

Nazis had a thing for performing horrible and grotesque experiments under the guise of a pragmatic pursuit of science. So, imagine what sort of sicko stuff they might have gotten up to if they recruited the descendant of Doctor Frankenstein. Turns out that the SS had much bigger plans than simply bringing dead soldiers back to life, and the good Doctor Frankenstein got a chance to play around with making all sorts of nightmarish modifications to his victims. He grafted on mechanical and technological enhancements, turning them into deformed, but effective weapons. The small Soviet reconnaissance squad that discovers the horrible experiments is essentially helpless against these twisted versions of the Reich’s ubermensch.
8. Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein

One of the greatest comedic duos of all time was Bud Abbott and Lou Costello. After a slew of their own films, the two went on to encounter pretty much every classic movie monster under the sun (I should probably say “moon” instead). However, my personal favorite of the bunch was when they met Frankenstein. Now he isn’t the only monster in the film, as Dracula and the Wolfman also make appearances. He does get top billing for good reason. Glenn Strange brings the monster to life in this feature, and he definitely looks the part as he towers over Abbott and Costello. The film is a comedy though, so Frankenstein isn’t quite the monster he usually is in it. Still, this is definitely one of the best Frankenstein movies I’ve seen over the years.
7. Edward Scissorhands

Before you scoff that this film earned a spot on the Top Ten, let’s run down the checklist. Creature brought to life by a mad scientist? Check. Covered in scars and terrified his face will scare civilians? Check. Misunderstood by all except a small few that see the beauty of his soul? Check. Driven out of town by ignorant and frightened villagers? Check. Does a rose smell just as sweet by any other name? Check. Ergo, Edward Scissorhands is a Frankenstein movie. Not only that, but it just happens to be one of the best movies ever filmed in my home state, Florida. Tim Burton brings his gothic sensibilities to the tale (which is actually pretty gothic to begin with) and creates a modern fantasy version of the classic monster tale. Earning it a respectable spot on this list.
6. Depraved

Frankenstein’s got a modern makeover in 2019 with Depraved. The film follows a former military field surgeon suffering from PTSD. Desperate to atone for all the lives he couldn’t save, this new mad scientist (David Call) is seeking a way to overcome death. Despite his sanity being questionable and his methods unorthodox, a pharmaceutical exec gives him a bit of funding under the table in the hopes of an epic payday. The experiments lead to the creation of Adam (Alex Breaux), a man constructed of body parts salvaged from across Brooklyn. While most Frankenstein movies portray the monster as a shuffling hulk with the mind of a child, this version of Adam is a thinking, feeling entity who has suffered debilitating memory loss, essentially forcing him to begin life again from scratch. I enjoyed Depraved because it not only offered an updated look but examined the underlying ethics that lead to the creation of Adam. Despite this new mad scientist having noble intentions, he still inadvertently creates a monster.