The Top 10 Best Clone Movies
5. Moon

Upfront, I’m going to say that Moon, unfortunately, stars Kevin Spacey in it. Luckily, he’s not the one being cloned. Back before Sam Rockwell proved himself to be uncannily good at playing intolerant idiots, he was in one of the best clone movies I’ve ever seen. In the film, he plays astronaut Sam Bell, who has been stationed on the moon for three years. Now, it’s dangerous out in space and, unbeknownst to Sam, he’s suffered quite a few accidents out there. The company employing him though found a cost-effective solution for this though: send a bunch of clones up there and just keep the copies on standby. Of course, Sam doesn’t know that he’s a clone and it’s quite the shock when he finds out
4. Oblivion

Say what you want about Tom Cruise but the guy makes quality movies (especially when he gets a chance to show off his crazy running skills). It’s a bit of a spoiler to include Oblivion on this list of clone movies, but hey, the movie came out over 5 years ago. The film plays the cloning twist pretty close to the vest as it follows Jack, a drone repairman in the distant future after an alien apocalypse has driven most of the population into space. Jack soon learns that everything he has known is a lie when he discovers the supposed aliens he’s been fighting against are actually human survivors left on Earth. To make things even worse, it turns out that Jack is actually one of dozens of clones left on the planet. With a new found purpose, he decides to give his bosses the ultimate resignation letter.
3. The Fifth Element

Of all the clone movies we’ve been over, The Fifth Element seems like the most unlikely. However, it does have a very important loophole that qualifies it for this list. It turns out that the Leeloo we get in the film is actually a clone of the fifth element that was being sent to Earth to save the universe. The Mondoshawans are attacked en route and there are no survivors. However, this being the future, cloning technology has been perfected and Earth is able to rebuild its savior from a few cells left from the crash. While you won’t see two Milla Jovovichs in this movie, that doesn’t stop her from being one of the most badass clones to appear on this list. After all, she does save the entire universe from the forces of evil.
2. Logan

While most clones look like the person they’re cloned from, Logan takes things in a different direction. In the film, Logan finds himself caring for a young girl who seems all too familiar. Well, that’s because she’s actually a clone of his with a few alterations. Before you protest about this not fitting the rules I set for the clone movies on this list, the two also find themselves hunted by a pure clone of Logan who is younger and stronger than the old man Wolverine we find it this film. Like a lot of the clones on this list Laura is the product of a corporation playing god but unlike so many other entries, she has one hell of a guardian angel. As tough as Wolverine might be, Laura earned a spot on Stars & Popcorn list of the Most Bad Ass Female Character of all time for good reason. Probably because she inherited her “father’s” claws and anger issues.
1. The Jurassic Park/ Jurassic World Franchise

I never technically said that the clones on this list had to be human. Because of that loophole, it would be foolish of me not to include the dinosaurs from Jurassic Park. The premise of the first few movies is that the dinosaurs were cloned from DNA found trapped in amber. Of course, it was later revealed that these clones went through a lot of modifications in order to make them scarier looking (thanks a lot Jurassic World). However, the original trilogy never really addresses that issues, so I’m still going to count it. Despite making it onto this list through a technicality, there’s no arguing that Jurassic Park isn’t one of the greatest clone movies ever made. Still, Jurassic Park isn’t exactly a theme park that’s high up on my list of vacation spots.
Honorable Mention: The Star Wars Franchise

Yeah, I know that there’s a lot to hate about the Star Wars prequels, but with a movie actually titled Attack of the Clones, how could I not give it a shout-out? While the prequels were essentially hot trash, I enjoyed a lot of what they added to the franchise’s mythos. The series earns a spot because it’s revealed that the early Storm Troopers were actually clones of a man named Jengo Fett that were modified to not be, well, total assholes. It’s also revealed that Boba Fett is an unmodified clone as well (which means the original trilogy qualifies as well). The films don’t really get into exploring the science or ethics of cloning, but The Clone Wars series does.
Those are by far and away the best clone movies I’ve seen on the big screen. Of course, I haven’t seen everyone (>gasp<). If there are some flicks, you think qualify for this list, be sure to leave a comment below. As always, I’ll be updating this list from time to time as I discover new clone movies, so check back from time to time to see how the rankings change.