The Top 10 Coolest Sci-Fi Movie Guns
5. M41A Pulse Rifle- Aliens

If there’s a sci-fi movie that’s a staple of my childhood, it’s probably Aliens. While the first film in the franchise was pure horror, the sequel was much more of an action movie because this time the aliens took on Space Marines. While the film showed off a few different guns, the most memorable was definitely the M41A Pulse Rifle which held an unbelievable amount of ammo and featured a mini grenade launcher. If you’re going to war, this is probably one gun you would definitely want to be packing. As if it wasn’t one of the most badass movie guns already, Ripley even taped a flamethrower to it for the grand finale. I wouldn’t want to cross anyone in a dark alley with this gun.
4. DL-44 heavy blaster pistol- Star Wars

Han Solo is perhaps one of the coolest sci-fi characters ever. He’s got style, he’s got swagger, and he’s got a really cool sidearm. In the recent Solo: A Star Wars Story movie we got to see how the young smuggler managed to get his hands on the DL-44 and it only managed to make the gun look even cooler (that’s probably the only good part to really come out of that movie, but still). It’s a gun that gets the job done and has seen its fair share of gunfights. Of course, the most iconic thing it’s known for is the infamous Han Shot First argument. More importantly though when it comes to style this is one of the most iconic movie guns in cinema history.
3. Phaser- Star Trek

I think the world would be a better place if all the guns were replaced with phasers because they come with a stun setting. There have been a ton of different designs when it comes to phasers over the years, but no matter what they always seem to get the job done. Not only are they able to stun humans, but they also work on a number of different alien species as well. Of course, if you’re not in a forgiving mood they can always be set to lethal as well. A gun that gives you options when it comes to what you’re blasting out is definitely one that would not only save a lot of time, but also a lot of lives, and that’ pretty cool in my book.
2. Law Giver MK II- Dredd

Speaking of options when it comes to taking out bad guys, the Law Giver MKII has got you covered. While it originally appeared in Judge Dredd, the newer version from Karl Urban’s Dredd. This thing features armor piercing ammo, incendiary rounds, hi-explosive rounds, and tons of other ammo for whatever the situation calls for. Not only that, but it has a DNA sensor in the handle to make sure no one can shoot you with it and is voice activated. When you’ve got this thing on your hip you don’t really need anything else. It’s no wonder this is the official sidearm of the Judges in Megacity one. Honestly, this gun alone would make me rethink becoming a criminal in the first place.
1. Zorg Industries ZF-1- The Fifth Element

I’ll just let Jean-Baptiste Emanuel Zorg take it from here:
“It’s light; handle’s adjustable for easy carrying; good for righties and lefties; breaks down into four parts; undetectable by X-ray; ideal for quick discreet interventions. A word on firepower. Titanium recharger; 3000-round clip with bursts of 3 to 300. With the replay button, another Zorg invention, it’s even easier. One shot… and replay send every following shot to the same location. And to finish the job, all the Zorg oldies but goldies. Rocket launcher… arrow launcher with exploding or poisonous gas heads, very practical… our famous net launcher… the always-efficient flamethrower, my favorite… And for the grand finale, the all-new ‘Ice-cube System’.”
Plus, it’s got the little red button when you get into serious trouble. Of all the sci-fi movie guns this one is by far and away the coolest.
That concludes this week’s Top 10 list, but I’d love to hear your thoughts. What did you think of the list? Were there any guns you think should have been included on here? Be sure to leave a comment below and check back in the future, because I’ll be sure to update this list as bigger and better movie guns come out in the future.