The Top 10 Best Shark Movies
These Shark Movies Will Take a Bite Out of You!
Let me just start by saying that I love shark movies. In fact, I love most creature movies, but I’ve got a soft spot for sharks. I’m from Florida, so we’ve got more than our fair share of them down here, but that also means that I know you’re more likely to get killed by cows, bees or even a coconut falling on your head than a shark. Still, that’ hasn’t stopped Hollywood from demonizing these apex predators of the deep. After all, sharks are pretty terrifying even in their own right. From Great Whites to Makos to Tiger Sharks, Hollywood has taken the biggest and meanest sharks and made them stars over the years, and it’s no wonder given how obsessed with them people are. In fact, Shark Week is one of the most popular television events of the year. That’s why it seemed like the right time to take a look at the shark movies that offer the most bang for their bite. So, before you plan your next vacation to a beautiful island somewhere, take a look at these Top 10 Shark Movies to remind you what might be lurking below the surface.
10. Shark Night 3D

So, I’ll admit that when I first saw Shark Night in theaters, I thought it was awful. Time to reflect though has reminded me that it’s a lot better than most of the shark movies out there. The film is about a group of college kids who find themselves visiting one of the rare saltwater lakes in Louisiana. That, of course, means that they’re going to end up meeting more than a few sharks. The twist is that the sharks are actually released into the waters in order to make an ultra-bloody version of shark week for the villains to upload online. While a lot of shark movies will show off one or two species of sharks (mostly Great Whites), Shark Night has tons of different ones to feed your fear of what lurks below the glassy surface. It’s trash, but it’s fun trash.
9. Dark Tide

When it comes to sharks there are a few places in the world that are far more dangerous than others. One of which is just off the coast of Africa in “Shark Alley.” It’s an area famed for incredible cage diving experiences, but that’s because the monsters beneath the surface are the stuff of nightmare. When a shark instructor takes a wealthy businessman out for an adventure that is a little less than safe, I’m sure you can guess what happens. However, of all the shark movies on this list, it features one of the most beautiful leads of all time, Halle Berry. While she is an incredibly talented actress and one that I greatly respect, the fact that she spends half the film in a bikini is enough to make this a worthwhile flick. Toss in the fact that it features killer sharks and you have yourself a winner. At least where it counts.
8. Open Water

When Open Water first came out, people absolutely flipped over this found footage movie. A couple decides that a vacation will do them some good and head out for a scuba diving adventure. Unfortunately, things take a Home Alone spin, and the ship that brought them out accidentally leaves them behind after a poorly conducted headcount. The two are then left wondering if help will arrive before the circling sharks decide to take a nibble. As far as shark movies go this one was a bit slow for my tastes, but it’s one that really eats at you after the credits roll. The reason why? Because it’s just the right amount of bad luck that leaves these two at the mercy of nature. Open Water is an uncomfortable movie, and that makes it so effective.
7. Bait

Hey, there’s no way I can argue that all shark movies are “good”. Then again, not all great movies are good either. Bait is a film about a tidal wave that hits Australia and floods a grocery store near the beach. While most people manage to survive the first part of this disaster, the sharks that road in on the wave present a much bigger problem for those trapped inside. Worst of all, the store in question was in the middle of being robbed, so the survivors can’t even trust each other. Though when it comes down to it, you’re probably better off trusting a human than a hungry fish. Despite the stupid premise, Bait manages to give you everything you might want from a shark movie. Plenty of close calls, lots of drama, and just a gallon or two of blood in the water.
6. The Reef

People always tell me I should visit Australia, and I always tell them that I like living too much to take a trip to the outback. Besides having more deadly land animals than you can shake a stick at, their sea creatures are notoriously aggressive. It’s like they’re pissed off the time. That’s why The Reef is one of those shark movies that feel like the more realistic depiction of what might happen if you do find yourself face to face with finned killers. A group out on a pleasure cruise find themselves on a sinking boat and no choice but to head in the direction they “think” will lead them to land. As they set out dog paddling to safety they find themselves slowly stalked by sharks who would love to through some Aussies on the barbie. It becomes an intense quest for survival that will leave you on the edge of your seats.