The Top 10 Best Workplace Comedies
Clock In With These Great Workplace Comedies!
Nothing helps cure the 9 to 5 blues like good old-fashioned workplace comedies. Let’s face it, no one likes to work. Sure, they tell you if you do what you love then you’ll never work a day in your life, but that’s because you won’t actually have a job. As soul-crushing as most jobs are, everyone can find something to relate to in workplace comedies. Whether it’s watching the heroes navigate a workplace romance, do battle with their dickhead of a boss, or making sure that they have that quarterly report done by Friday. We all need to get away from those soul-crushing Monday through Friday jobs, and that’s why this week Stars & Popcorn is taking a look at some of the movies that help us keep our sanity during those precious two days of freedom that most of us get each week. So get ready to call in sick on Monday, because we’ve got some amazing workplace comedies coming your way!
10. 9 to 5

Unfortunately, sexism is alive and well today. However, this is one of those workplace comedies that shows the glass ceiling can be shattered with the right pair of heels. Jane Fonda, Dolly Parton, and Lily Tomlin team up to show their chauvinist boss that they’re not going to take his garbage. Most of us know that our bosses are complete idiots, which is why 9 to 5 speaks so well to audiences. This lying, egotistical, sexist, bigot manages to get his comeuppance when the women working for him decide to kidnap him and take over his department. Turns out they’re all much better at his job than he is, and this goes to show that women are a much-needed commodity in the workplace.. Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy
9. Mayhem

Who hasn’t wanted to kill their boss before? Mayhem is one of those workplace comedies that lets audiences live out the fantasy of just letting all those awful people you work with get what they deserve. In a lot of ways, it’s similar to The Belko Experiment (which was nowhere near as funny), except this one deals with a virus that completely removes all self-control from the people it infects. What makes this movie so great is that because of this virus legal precedence says people aren’t responsible for their actions while infected. That means anyone with the virus is pretty much free to do what they want. In other words, it’s a full-on free for all full of blood and guts.
8. The Devil Wears Prada

From what I understand, The Devil Wears Prada is one of the most influential workplace comedies of our time. Not so much because it tapped into the zeitgeist or anything, but because people are still making memes about it, and that’s how you really gauge success among millennial’s, right? Based on the best selling novel of the same name, the movie follows an assistant who starts working at Vogue while dealing with a boss from hell. The thing is that she actually learns more than she would ever like to admit from the titular Devil in Prada. Of course, she decides not to sell her soul to get everything she thinks she wants and instead follows her heart.
7. Working Girl

Ever had your boss stolen a great idea from you? Well, then this is one of those workplace comedies that will definitely speak to you. A secretary takes advantage of her moron boss’s absence from the company by pushing ahead with an amazing business opportunity. Things get complicated though when her boss returns and decides that it would be best to take all the credit for her hard work. Just from my own personal experience, I know how frustrating this kind of stuff can be, so I imagine a lot of you out there have had someone take credit for your work or ideas before. Rest assured, this movie won’t leave you seething with hatred and anger.
6. Bloodsucking Bastards

One of my absolute favorite workplace comedies is a horror comedy I recommend everyone take the time to watch. It’s about a sales call company that ends up slowly being taken over by vampires and only a few employees actually notice the dark changes occurring. The thing is that vampires are actually really good at making sales calls. Mostly because they are bloodsucking bastards. Still, that isn’t enough for the heroes t turn a blind eye to their shenanigans and a stand has to be made. If you’ve ever taken a job just for the pay, then you’ll definitely relate to this movie. Best of all though, it is absolutely hilarious with brilliant dialogue and characters that are easy to identify with.