The 7 (& 1/2) Best WWE Wrestlers Turned Actors

John Cena

Best Movie: Bumblebee
WWE wrestlers
Success couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.

Right now John Cena is probably one of the most popular WWE wrestlers in the world and he’s manages to bring that charisma to the big screen more than once. Despite his rough and tumble look, he’s managed to really shine in the comedic performances he’s taken over the years in films like Blockers. However, he first really won me over when he took on the titular role in Ferdinand. Of course, he’s also been in his fair share of mindless action movies, but last year he upped his game with Bumblebee. More than anything though he’s the kind of guy whose movies I’ll happily keep going to see not just because of his charm, but because he’s an incredibly kind person in real life. Here’s hoping he has a long career as an actor.

Dave Bautista

Best Movie: Avengers Infinity War
WWE wrestlers
He disappears into his roles.

It was a little touch and go there when Dave Bautista first started moved from wrestling to acting. However, 2014 proved to be a turning point for the actor when he landed the role of Drax in the MCU. From there he went on to make memorable appearances in films like Spectre and Blade Runner 2049. Bautista seems like an incredibly humble guy off camera and admits to crying when he found out he got the part in Guardians of the Galaxy. Sure he’s made some not so great movies over the years, but he’s shown recently that he’s become a bit more discerning when it comes to the roles he takes and I’m honestly rooting for him to succeed since he seems like one of the few WWE wrestlers that genuinely takes acting seriously.

Dwayne The Rock Johnson

Best Movie: Furious 7
WWE wrestlers
He’s not slowing down any time soon either.

When it comes to WWE wrestlers turned actors no one compares to Dwayne Johnson. The guy is one of the hardest working guys in Hollywood and for the most part (in 2018 alone he starred in Rampage and Skyscraper), his hard work has paid off. Sure he’s made a few bad movies over the years, but that hasn’t stopped him from becoming one of the biggest A-Listers in the world right now. Best of all, he seems like a genuinely good guy and has gained a reputation for his kindness and generosity towards his fans on and off camera. Few people are as beloved as Dwayne Johnson (though not all his co-stars love him), and his box office numbers prove he’s a big screen success. That’s why he’s coming in at the top of this list!

The Half: “Macho Man” Randy Savage

Best Movie: Spider-Man
WWE wrestlers
Bone Saw will always be ready in my heart.

People talk about Toby Maguire being such a great Spider-Man, but for my money, the real star of Sam Rami’s trilogy was Bone Saw McGraw. No one else could have pulled off the role quite like Macho Man, which is why he’s earning a nod along with these other great WWE wrestlers turned actors.

I’m sure there are going to be a ton of people out there who have a few thoughts about this list. After all, wrestling is insanely popular and I can’t admit to being the most knowledgeable when it comes to it. So, if there are some WWE wrestlers that I failed to take into account, leave a comment below. Let me know which ones gave truly great performances and I’ll be sure to check them out. I’ll also be updating these rankings as more wrestlers try their hand at acting, so make sure to check back from time to time.