The Top 10 Worst Movie Islands to Visit
5. Okishima Island- Battle Royal

If you’re over 20 then you might be Okay checking out this island off the coast of Japan. Those younger than that are better off visiting any of the other islands on this list. The film Battle Royal is a movie in which high scholars are dumped on an island with bombs strapped around their neck and forced to kill each other until only one remains. Teens are pretty bad all on their own, but armed teens are just the worst. Chances are if you ever do find yourself on this island you’re going to have to be ready to get some blood on your hands because this is essentially where the Hunger Games were born. Still, there are probably some great deals on Airbnb’s the rest of the years though. The only downside is that coppery smell left in the air after each battle.
4. Amity Island- Jaws

Lot’s of islands have sharks. They kinda live in the ocean and there’s no avoiding them out there. So when a killer shark shows up off the coast of Amity Island that’s not such a big deal. The real problem with this island is its incompetent local government. The mayor refuses to believe the local sheriff that a shark is threatening the lives of everyone on the island because he doesn’t want to cancel the big 4th of July event. Even after bodies start piling up, he puts profit ahead of lives. Hell, even after the sharks is supposedly killed he gets re-elected again as mayor in the sequel. If you ever do visit Amity Island be sure not to trust anything the government tells you. Oh, and watch out for huge killer sharks, they really seem to love that place and keep managing to bribe the mayor somehow.
3. Skull Island- King Kong

Skull Island has been portrayed a few different ways in movies over the years. However, for this list lets focus on the Skull Island from Kong. On it, there are plenty of peaceful natives who don’t really bother anyone. Hell, they would probably help you out if you ever ended up stranded there. Below the surface though lurks all kinds of monsters that wouldn’t bat an eye over making you their next meal. Don’t worry though because there’s an enormous ape protector. The thing is that he’s got a bit of an anger issue and cares about collateral damage as much as Henry Cavill’s Superman does. So, chances are if you do wash up on Skull Island you’re going to get eaten or crushed by rubble. That’s not even the worst way to go there. Kong is an ape and apes like to throw… Well, let’s just say you’re likely to end up crushed or drowning in it.
2. Monster Island- Godzilla

While Kong was the big dog when it came to Skull Island, he’s nothing compared to the residents of Monster Island. First of all, it’s Godzilla’s hometown, but while he might be King of the Monsters, his loyal subjects are nothing to scoff at. Monster Island is absolutely crawling with every creature you can imagine, from Mothra to Rodan this place has got it all. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if some company already had the bright idea to start Monster Island safaris (and if they haven’t I’ve totally got an idea for a new movie). The thing is that to these monsters were little more than ants. Sure, they’ll ignore us at first but if we become pests they’re going to call the Monster Island Orkin Man, and he’s the scariest of them all.
1. Isla Nublar or Isla Sorna- Jurassic Park

While Skull Island and Monster Island might have had much bigger creatures on them, these Islands have creatures that would actually consider humans to be a worthwhile meal. Dinosaurs might not breathe fire, but they’re apex predators in their natural environment. Even the herbivores pose a pretty deadly threat. Imagine being stepped on by a brontosaurus or knocked around by a stegosaurus? Pretty much everything on that island can kill you and half of them really want to. To make matter worse, we have no idea what InGen might have crawling around out there. The might not have shown off their genetically engineered dinos until Jurassic World, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have other failed ones lurking in the dark. Even if there aren’t any, the Raptors will make short work of anyone who finds themselves vacationing here.
Honorable Mention: Nomanisan Island- The Incredibles

At first, Nomanisan Island might not seem like such a bad place to visit. After all, there’s a lot to see and do on this tropical island paradise. There are beautiful beaches that your destroyed ship can wash on. Beautiful jungles for killer robots to hide in. A lovely volcano that is incredibly active and will literally go off at any second. Of course, what island paradise doesn’t have these problems? The thing you really have to look out for is the supervillain who owns the place. Islands are no stranger to supervillain ownership, just take a look at any Bond movie. Those guys always have at least one. This one though is owned by Pixar’s very own twisted and demented villain who wants to see all superheroes labeled as irrelevant.
There are plenty of other islands from movies you definitely don’t want to visit. The Beach, The Resort, and even Lost all have islands you won’t want to plan a vacation too. So, let’s hear which Island you’d least like to visit from this list? Better yet, what other fictional islands do you think should have been included? Post a comment below and I’ll be sure to update this top 10 lists as new and terrible islands appear on the silver screen.