The Top 10 Best Movie Cats
5. Cat- Breakfast at Tiffany’s

I know that I said that only kitties with names would appear on this list of movie cats. However, as unimaginative as it might be, it’s safe to say that Audrey Hepburn’s orange tabby in Breakfast at Tiffany’s is going to go by “Cat” for the rest of his life. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. After all, how many cat owners have resorted to calling their pets “CAT” in frustration? Like most big-screen felines, Cat comes and goes as he pleases. In other words, showing up to eat, get some attention, and judgmentally stare at his owner as she tries to figure out what love is. Of course, Cat has no problems understanding the concept, even when his owner freaks out and throws him across the room. Despite her stupidity, Cat comes back to love on her and reminds her that his food bowl is empty.
4. Thackery Binx- Hocus Pocus

A lot of ancient cultures used to consider cats supernatural in nature. Some even worshipped them as deities. So, it’s no surprise that a talking feline (voiced by James Marsden) has earned a spot on this list of the best movie cats of all time. Now, some might consider a black cat like Binx a bad omen, but if you’ve got witches to kill, this immortal kitty is going to come in handy. Cursed by the evil Sandersen sisters, Binx has been watching over the small town where they were buried. When they rise from their graves, this kitty springs into action trying to help defeat them before it’s too late for his newfound owners. The little guy might even have earned a spot among the best movie monster hunters if not for the whole “opposable thumbs” thing.
3. Sassy- Homeward Bound

Sure, Sassy might have had a bit of an attitude problem in Homeward Bound, but what cat doesn’t? The second Himalayan to earn a spot on this list of movie cats, Sassy underwent an incredible journey with her two doggy brothers. While Chance and Shadow might have done most of the heavy lifting on their little adventure, Sassy definitely came in handy more than a few times. For one thing, she was the one that freed the two of them when they were caught by humans and tried to help old Chance when he got smacked by a porcupine. She might have complained a lot along the way, but Sassy loves her four-legged family more than anything and would do anything to get back to her human.
2. Milo- The Adventures of Milo and Otis

Another orange tabby? What can I say? I know what I like when it comes to four-legged companions. I saw Milo and Otis dozens of times as a kid, so the second I thought “movie cats” this little scamp popped into my head. Like Sassy, he goes on quite an adventure with his best bud Otis as they head out into the great big world to find their places in it. His friendship with his pug buddy got Milo through plenty of scrapes, and he returned the favor a few times himself. This adorable little kitty definitely stands out among movie cats since we get to watch him grow from a kitten to a loving father in his own right over the course of the film. If there’s one movie every kid should see, it’s Milo and Otis.
1. Jones AKA Jonsey- Alien

If one kitty on this list proves that cats have nine lives, it’s Jonsey. This American Shorthairtomcat was a regular crew member aboard the USCSS Nostromo and took after his badass owner, Ellen Ripley. When the xenomorph showed up and started killing the entire crew, Jonsey took a note from one of the greatest final girls of all time and quickly “noped” right on out of there. Every time the alien showed up, Jonsey made sure he was nowhere to be found. In the end, his strategy paid off, and he’s one of the few animals in existence that survived an encounter with a xenomorph. That’s not half bad considering he probably weighed less than 20 lbs. Because of his indomitable spirit in the face of certain doom, Jones earns the top spot among movie cats.
Honorable Mention: Goose- Captain Marvel

Technically Goose isn’t a cat, he’s a Flerken. However, Goose looks like a cat, talks like a cat, and is one of my favorite heroes in the MCU. He proved to be an invaluable weapon against the forces of evil and even helped rescue one of the most powerful heroines in the MCU. When his work was done, Goose stuck around to be Nick Fury’s bud just in case the Earth needed saving again. I’m hoping that we get to see more Goose in future Marvel movies.
Dishonorable Mention: Church- Pet Semetary

Leave it to Stephen King to come up with the scariest cat in movie history. Whether you loved the original or the remake, it’s clear that Church is a victim of circumstance. Taken from his family too soon, Church was buried in the titular Pet Semetary. As we’ve learned the hard way that never ends well, and Church came back a fanged, hissing, nightmare.
Those are my picks for the best movie cats of all time. There are plenty of other cinematic felines out there, and I’d love to hear your favorites in the comments below. As always, I’ll be updating this list as more kitties appear on the big screen. So, be sure to check back from time to time in order to see how the rankings might change!
How cute!! So many movies stars <3 I’m more a Dog person but cats are definitely special. Good job on your research, I haven’t watch all of this movies but now I have a excuse to watch them. Oh!! And the dishonorable mention was hilarious lol 😀