The Top 10 Best Movie Exorcists
Movie Demons Better Watch Out for these Movie Exorcists
So, you went and got yourself possessed by a demon, and now you have no idea what to do. Lucky for you I’ve got a list of the best movie exorcists of all time ready to go for you. Before we get down to business, let me lay down a few ground rules: 1) Characters that forcefully eject a demon or spirit out of a human being (for those who cleanse buildings or hunt ghosts in general, see paranormal investigators, and for people who straight-up murder demons, that would be Monster Hunters). 2) The characters must complete a successful exorcism in order to qualify (So, Father Richard Moore from The Exorcism of Emily Rose wouldn’t count). Oh, and I’m not going to require that the characters be a priest (there’s more than one way to evict a demon, after all). Finally, keep in mind that this list is going to be focusing on just the exorcists and not the movies they appear in. It’s also going to take into account the number of successful exorcisms performed and whether these movie exorcists managed to survive the ceremony. I know I’d like an exorcist with a bit of experience under their belt and a pulse if I were ever possessed. Now, you better give your inner demons a heads up, because this list of movie exorcists isn’t taking any prisoners.
10. Dr. Ember- Incarnate

I know that critics and audiences alike weren’t too thrilled with how Incarnate turned out, and I’m right there with you. That doesn’t change the fact that when it comes to movie exorcists, Dr. Ember (Aaron Eckhart) is not only field tested, but also has one of the more unique approaches I’ve ever seen in big screen exorcisms. A scientist by trade, Ember was born with the unique ability to enter the minds of people who are possessed by demons. He’s perfected the science behind possessions and has found a way to help victims regain control of their faculties in order to evict the intruder themselves. The thing that really makes Ember so damn good at what he does is the anger that drives him. He’s got a personal score to settle with one demon in particular who used a host to cause a car crash paralyzing Ember from the waist down and kill his wife. Sure, he’s a little bitter these days, he also wants every demon booted back to hell, and that earns him a spot on my speeddial in the event of a possession.
9. The Augustine Interfaith Order of Hellbound Saints- Hellbenders

Up next is another unorthodox choice when it comes to movie exorcists. Rather than choose one member of The Augustine Interfaith Order of Hellbound Saints, I decided to include all of them. The members of this strange order come from all kinds of religious backgrounds, but all share one important thing in common: they’re a bunch of holy sinners. Their approach to exorcisms is what you’d probably expect from most priests, but each of them has a crucial trump card up their sleeves. In the event that an exorcism goes wrong, each member plans to invite the demon into their own body before committing suicide in order to drag the hellspawn right back where it came from. Just to make sure they do end up in hell, the Saints live a life of debauchery filled with drugs, booze, sex, and pretty much every other sin you can imagine. Despite knowing that they will be damned to a fiery pit for all eternity, these Saints still lay it all on the line to help those who are possessed.
8. Sally Owens- Practical Magic

As I said, characters don’t have to be a member of the clergy to earn a spot on this list of movie exorcists. In fact, Sally Owens (Sandra Bullock) probably wants to stay as far away from the church as she possibly can since it has a nasty habit of burning witches whether they’re evil or not. Salley though is a good witch, one who has plenty of power but is content keeping a low profile and only using magic for the little things. Her sister, on the other hand, Gillian (Nichole Kidman), is a bit of a wild child. When Gillian accidentally kills the abusive psycho she got mixed up with, the guy’s ghost takes over her body. Of course, Sally can boot the spirit to the curb, but in order to do so, she’s going to need a coven of her own. Luckily, the ladies in the small town she lives in are all too happy to lend a hand, so long as there are some margaritas involved. Turns out being friends with a witch can come in handy if you ever find yourself with an uninvited guest inside your head.
7. Father Andrew Kiernan- Stigmata

If you ever plan on doing battle with unholy beasts possessing the innocent, it pays to have an open mind. Father Kiernan (Gabriel Byrne) is both a scientist and a priest who investigates miracles for the church. Years of this have left him for a discerning eye for detail that comes in handy when he finds himself investigating a supposed stigmata. Not one to let his faith cloud the facts, Father Kiernan exhausts every possible rational explanation before turning to the divine. Even then, he pours over every text he can in order to find out exactly what he’s dealing with. It’s a good thing too, because when it comes to demons and ghosts, things are very seldom what they seem. In the end, Father Kiernan’s devotion to the truth no matter where it takes him is what makes him one of the best movie exorcists of all time, even if he has to go against the church.
6. Father Mendoza and Sargent Ralph Sarchie- Deliver Us from Evil

From what I can tell, demons and ghosts tend to go after those with weak wills. So, when the demons in Deliver Us From Evil decide to hunker down in some Marines, you know that they must be pretty strong. Then there’s also the fact that they’re inside trained killers and now have access to that particular set of skills. Because of that deadly combination, it makes sense that the tough as nails New York priest, Father Mendoza (Édgar Ramírez) would need a little back on this one. That’s were Sergeant Sarchie (Eric Bana) comes into play. As a member of the NYPD’s Special Operations unit, he’s got the muscle and the skills necessary to restrain any demons long enough for Father Mendoza to do his thing. The two make for a great tag-team and are able to not only save the souls of the possessed but possibly all of mankind as well. I’d say that definitely earns them a place among the best movie exorcists of all time.