The Top 10 Best Movie Kings
Heavy is the Head that Wears the Crown, and these Movie Kings Must Have Very Heavy Heads.
Hey, I love democracy as much as the next guy, but this week I’ve decided to honor the Top 10 Best Movie Kings of all time. This list is a long time coming, considering I’ve already tackled the Best Movie Queens of all time. Still, that list isn’t going to have much of an influence on this one, even though it’s going to follow pretty much the same rules. The only change is that this time I’ve decided to include animated kings on this list as well. The reason being that most animated movies have queens in them, but the kings that do appear are typically just for comic relief. Even still, I had a tough time narrowing this list down to only 10 entries since there have been so many great ones over the years. So, let me know what you think of the kings that have managed to earn a spot on this list by leaving a comment below!
10. Jareth- Labyrinth

Not all movie kings are benevolent rulers. Case in point, the Goblin King AKA Jareth, who comes in at the number 10 slot on this list. Labyrinth is a cult classic mostly because people can’t seem to get enough of David Bowie’s performance as the malevolent emperor that forces a 15-year-old girl to solve his massive maze in order to get her baby brother back. He rules over an army of goofy, yet creepy goblins who do his evil bidding as he plays around with a mystical orb. Jareth might be evil, but he’s definitely got a sense of style (especially when it comes to pants so tight they cut off circulation). Don’t worry too much, because unlike the list of Movie Queens, this guy is the only evil ruler to earn a spot.
9. Agamemnon- Time Bandits

Ther are few actors who were as regal as Sean Connery was back in the day and when it comes to movie kings, he was always one of the best of the best no matter which ruler he was playing. One of his more memorable roles was the Greek ruler Agamemnon in Time Bandits. He might not have gotten a lot of screen time in the film, but in his brief appearance, he served as a father figure to the protagonist, Kevin (who is easily one of the best movie time travelers out there). While we don’t really get to see his ruling style in action if the way he treats young Kevin is any kind of indication of what kind of king he is, then I have to say that Mycenaean Greece is in pretty good hands.
8. Arthur Curry- Aquaman and Justice League

Aquaman is a relative newcomer when it comes to movie kings but that doesn’t make him any less impressive. Fans have complained that the DCEU movies haven’t really met their standards, but recent entries have kept getting better and better. Arthur Curry might seem like an odd choice to earn a spot with the rest of the movie kings on this list since he’s been so reluctant to accept the crown. However, when the chips were down, he put it all on the line to save not only the surface world but Atlantis as well by becoming their one true king. What makes him a perfect addition to this list is that he knows that he probably isn’t the most qualified person to be king, which is why he looks to others for advice and help when he needs it most. That’s the sign of a ruler who wants what’s best for their kingdom and not for their ego.
7. King Leonidas- 300

When it comes to warriors, few were as elite or as feared as the Spartans. They were a nation raised to be the best of the best. Of course, ruling a kingdom filled with warriors is no small task and Leonidas earned the respect of his people by leading them into battle and fighting right alongside them. There are a lot of movie kings who have drawn their swords in service of their countries, but few have come close to the bloodshed that Leonidas inflicted on the Persian army that dared declare war on Sparta. The legend goes that he and 299 of his best soldiers managed to fend off overwhelming odds in one of the greatest last stands in history. As if that wasn’t enough, he also happens to be one of the most shredded movie kings on this list.
6. King Arthur – Monty Python and the Holy Grail

A lot of King Arthurs have appeared on the silver screen over the years. Graham Chapman’s performance in Monty Python and the Holy Grail though is one of my all-time favorites. Of course, the whole legend of King Arthur has a few problems with it and a character from the film summed them up properly: “ Listen, strange women lyin’ in ponds distributin’ swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.” Still, I wouldn’t want every entry on this list of movie kings to be super serious and while this version of King Arthur might be goofy, he’s still on a life or death quest to better his kingdom, which earns him a solid spot.