The Top 10 Best Post-Apocalyptic Movies

5. The Matrix

Alexa, play my apocalypse playlist.

Alright, this is one future that I definitely can’t say the current administration will have any hand in. Google though…Google might be pushing us down the path towards this. The Matrix is a post-apocalyptic future that asks, “What happens when you don’t know you’re in prison?”. Machines have conquered man and in order to turn them into good little batteries, they shove them into a virtual world reflective of the high point of society. So next time you get excited about that new VR headset coming out, think back about those post-apocalyptic movies that warned you about this. Then again, maybe living in a simulated alternate reality wouldn’t be so bad. Especially if you had some cheat codes to help with your gun-fu.

4. A Quiet Place

Vegan, cross fitters died first since they couldn’t stop talking.

There are a lot of ways that the world can end, from war to viruses to killer machines. However, alien invasions have always been one of the more popular choices over the years. John Krasinski made his directorial debut with one of the best post-apocalyptic movies to hit theaters in years. In it, mankind has been hunted by terrifying creatures that hunt by sound. The slightest noise could result in a swarm of these monsters descending upon you and your loved ones. Those that have survived have done so by being as quiet as a mouse (sign language definitely comes in handy). However, as most parents know, peace and quiet is hard to come by, which makes survival far from easy in A Quiet Place.   

3. Terminator 2: Judgement Day

Not sure I like these new Amazon delivery drones…

Once again this is one of those post-apocalyptic movies that makes me take a serious interest in what Google and DARPA are up to with robotics. Luckily, robots are still clumsy, bumbling idiots and have yet to develop androids with Austrian accents, so I think we’re alright…for now. For those of you who don’t know about Terminator, well go see Terminator. It’s the series that put Arnold Schwarzenegger on top of the world for his stunning portrayal of an emotionless robot. Who knew he had it in him? Really, most of the movies in the franchise deserve a spot on this list (even Dark Fate), but I’m going with Judgement Day since we get to see a bit of that post-apocalyptic future in it. The day we get killer robots is the day that Siri, Alexa or any of those other devices start actually being useful. They’ll be really handy until all those missiles are launched.

2. 28 Days Later

When social distancing goes too far.

28 Days Later is an incredible movie. That’s why it’s not only earning a place on this list of post-apocalyptic movies but also appeared on the best outbreak movies and zombie movies as well. That being said, you can probably guess how the world “ends” in this flick. Animal rights activists unwittingly release a deadly virus when they try to free some monkeys. Similar to rabies, the disease causes incredible rage and a complete disregard for self-preservation. It spreads like a wildfire and within 28 days it’s shut down the British isles. It sounds terrifying, but imagine waking up in the middle of all that with no idea what’s going on. That’s what happens to our hero and he sets out to find safety with a few other survivors. Turns out, the rage zombies aren’t the only monsters he has to worry about.

1. Mad Max: Fury Road

A lot of car enthusiasts survived the apocalypse.

Road Warrior was going to end up on this post-apocalyptic movies list, it was just a matter of which one. Before all you Mel Gibson fans start freaking out, Fury Road was a masterpiece with an incredibly strong and kick-ass female lead (who was also one hell of a driver). Besides, it actually showed a bit more of how far society had crumbled than the other ones did (though, I do love me some Barter Town). With the trade going on between warlords and their mutually intertwined interests, it created the greatest challenge Max had seen to date. Plus, it was insanely creepy seeing Immortan Joe enslave women and turn his War Boys into cult-like followers. When the world ends, the guy who paints the prettiest picture of the afterlife will rule.

Honorable Mention: Waterworld

This is the apocalypse “Salt Life” folks are praying for.

Of all the post-apocalyptic movies out there, Waterworld is one that we love to hate. It was an ambitious project that probably sounded incredible on paper. In reality, it’s…well, it’s so bad that it’s kind of a classic. That’s why I thought it deserved an honorable mention.

Those are my picks for the best post-apocalyptic movies, but I had to dig through a sea of them. If there’s one you think I should have included, leave a comment below to let me know. As long as we’re still around there will probably be more post-apocalyptic movies hitting the big screen. I’ll keep updating this list as long as I’m not forced to become a road warrior. So, be sure to check back from time to time and see how the rankings change.