The Top 10 Best Supernatural Slashers from Movies
Supernatural Slashers are the Big Dogs of Horror.
Serial killers might be the big dogs in the real world, supernatural slashers are where it’s at when it comes to movies. These powerful killers are monsters in their own right, tracking down and taking out their prey in the most gruesome manners imaginable. That’s why I’ve decided to brew a big pot of coffee and go through the best supernatural slashers to appear in movies over the years. It took a while, but I managed to create quite a list for you folks. Of course, I had to lay down a ground-rule or two. So, for this list, I chose killers who were sentient (so no movie monsters) and they had to have a physical form (so a lot of ghosts found themselves disqualified). Unofficially I went with those slashers who had more humanoid appearances (at least initially). The end result is a list of terrifying slashers that will make your knees quake in fright.
10. Chucky- The Child’s Play Franchise

When it comes to iconic movie slashers, Chucky is probably one of the most popular out there and for good reason. There’s just something unsettling about inanimate objects that have come to life, especially dolls (even Toy Story has it’s creepy moments). The only thing creepier is a doll with the spirit of a deranged serial killer in it. While Chuky certainly has the fear factor, I question the legitimate threat of a knee-high doll with a kitchen knife. Still, that hasn’t stopped him from having one hell of a run when it comes to the sheer number of movies. Hell, he even went on to have a wife, kid, cure, and cult over the years and I’m sure there’s more to come in the future. I guess that just goes to show that you can’t keep a good/ bad doll down. Still, that isn’t going to stop me from trying if I ever catch the little bastard in my house.
9. The Tall Man- The Phantasm Franchise

Until recently I was blissfully unaware of The Phantasm films. Rather I should say that I had managed to get away with not seeing them. Now that I have though, there’s no way I couldn’t include him on this list of supernatural slashers. Compared to a lot of the other entries on here, the Tall Man is a little OP. I mean, he’s got super strength, telekinesis, shapeshifting abilities, and plenty of minions to do his bidding. So, why hasn’t he managed to take over the world yet? I mean, he’s all but immortal (though he has suffered some pretty severe injuries in the films) and should be able to throw down with the best of them. However, he always seems to get bested by a bunch of meddling kids each time.
8. Candyman- The Candyman movies

While The Tall Man might be overpowered, he essentially looks like the kind of guy who will sneer at kids standing on his law. Candyman, on the other hand, has a look that screams “NOPE.” While people might typically associate a hook with pirates, Candyman is far from family friendly. To make matters worse he’s got a thing for bees, which makes him an incredibly formidable adversary to the 5% of the population that suffers from bee allergies (I’m looking at you, Thomas J. Sennett). He’s definitely got a flair for the dramatic and has a look that would make Lestat jealous of his fashion sense. That being said, his big weakness is some idiot has to say his name 3 times in a mirror to summon his ghost. Then again, white people always tend to do stupid stuff like that.
7. Victor Crowley- The Hatchet films

Victory Crowly is a loving homage to the classic movie slashers of the 80’s. So much so that he’s played by the famed actor, Kane Hodder (who played another entry on this list, but I’ll get to that later). Crowley definitely had a rough go of it. He was born deformed and mentally handicapped, which led to him getting picked on as a kid. It got so bad that some kids started a fire that eventually led to his accidental death at the hands of his father. Luckily, he passed in a Louisiana swamp so there was plenty of voodoo magic out there to raise his spirit from the grave, and, man, does that spirit have some serious anger issues. While his weapon of choice might be a hatchet, Victor shows some real creativity when it comes to murder and that’s why he’s earned a spot on this list.
6. The Creeper- The Jeepers Creepers Trilogy

Let me start by saying that including the Creeper on this list of supernatural slashers is no way an endorsement of Victor Slava, but I’m going to separate the art from the artist on this one.
“Every 23rd Spring, for 23 days, it gets to… eat.” That’s the background we get on this inhuman monster that roams the countryside in his nightmare fuel truck looking for just the right set of organs to make his own. Not only does he have a monstrous appearance and near-immortality, but he’s smart enough to set deadly traps that would make Jigsaw jealous and drive stick. This makes him quite a contender for his victims The only question is who the bigger monster is from Jeepers Creepers, the demonic organ harvester or the director…