An Into to Horror Movies for Kids
This List of Horror Movies for Kids Will Prove if They’re Ready for the Real Thing or Not.
So, your kids are at that age where they’re getting excited about watching scary movies for Halloween, but you’re not sure what to start them off with? Well, lucky for you I happen to be a film expert with the mind of a child, so I put together this handy list of 10 horror movies for kids. Unlike other top 10 lists in the past, I didn’t rank these movies according to quality, but by how scary they are. Think of it as a gauntlet for your kids to run before you let them start watching serious horror movies. After all, the last thing you want is to be woken up every night for two weeks because of nightmares. So, if you’re a horror fan wanting to introduce your spawn to the genre or a parent looking to bargain with gung-ho children clamoring to see something really scary, this list of horror movies for kids will help ease them in gradually without traumatizing them too much.
*Important Note: I take no responsibility for any bad dreams or therapy sessions that result from seeing these horror movies for kids.*
10. Hocus Pocus

Witches are featured in some pretty intense horror movies from The Witch to Susperia. Those though might not be the best bet to show little kids though. Hocus Pocus though is a family-friendly horror movie that is actually set during Halloween. The film follows three witches returning from the grave to take vengeance on the small town the burned them at the stake centuries ago. The only thing standing between them and destroying the town are three kids. Hocus Pocus takes it pretty light on the scares and will help encourage kids to believe that they can stand up to monsters too. It also introduces kids to classic horror movie tropes while hopefully not giving them any bad dreams. Alternatively, you could introduce them to the genre with The Witches, but the high witch in it gave me a few nightmares as a kid.
9. Gremlins

So, your kids can handle spooky movies pretty well and are ready for the next step? Well, the next step on this list of horror movies for kids is the “Christmas classic,” Gremlins. The film features tiny green terrors running amock in a small town. While this movie is a bit more intense than Hocus Pocus, the violence in it is pretty cartoonish. While the gremlins themselves might have sharp teeth and claws, they aren’t really that scary all things considered, especially before they get wet. Most of the time they just grumble to each other and break out into laughter as they playfully cause chaos around them. Kids that do get scared that gremlins might come for them can be reminded that as long as they follow the rules they’ll be safe.
8. The Monster Squad

Monster Squad was one of my favorite “scary” movies as a kid. It is essentially The Goonies with classic movie monsters in it. The premise is that a group of pre-teens come together to save their small town from the likes of Dracula, the Wolfman, the Mummy, and so on. While the creatures are actually pretty well done and plenty scary, it’s still a movie about them being beaten by kids, so it never gets too intense. It’s a great way to introduce kids to those classic movie monsters without throwing them into the deep end. Plus, even though the monsters are scary, good old Frankenstein ends up befriending the kids and helping to fight along side them, proving not all monsters are bad. I’ll admit some parts haven’t aged gracefully, but it’s still one of my favorite horror movies for kids.
7. Beetlejuice

Tim Burton is best known for the haunting gothic themes and imagery that he uses in his films. While it’s not really fair to call his movies “horror,” they do dance playfully on the edge of the genre, especially in Beetlejuice. The film is about a friendly couple that dies suddenly and is forced to scare away the new family that moved into their house. They’re pretty terrible at it though, so they outsource the job to the ghost with the most. It’s a movie that introduces kids to the concept of death and an afterlife without being too heavy. While there are some “gory” moments, they’re toned down and mostly use claymation to comedic effect (like the ghosts in the afterlife waiting room). It’s a great way to introduce kids to the idea of hauntings without scaring them too much.
6. Ghostbusters

Honestly, I probably shouldn’t even be putting Ghostbusters on this list, because every good parent has already shown their kids to this classic horror-comedy. While it is absolutely hilarious, there are also some genuinely scary moments in it. That librarian ghost scared the crap out of me as a kid, not to mention that scene where the demon dogs chasing Rick Moranis through the city. The thing is that even though there are some spooky ghosts in it, the heroes of the film are there to help rescue people from them, not by destroying them but by trapping them. There are some adult themes in Ghostbusters, but when it comes to horror movies for kids, this one is a must-see!