The Top 10 Best Movie Bars
Who Wouldn’t Want to Visit These Movie Bars On A Pub Crawl?
Since tackling the Top 10 Best Movie Restaurants, I found myself in a hospitality industry mindset and decided to hit the 10 Best Movie Bars. Thanks to my list of movie drunks I did a while back, I had a pretty good idea where to start with this list. Still, I forced myself to stick to bars, pubs, taverns, and gin joints that serve beverages for the purpose of inebriation. I also stuck to movie bars that had actual names. So, no mysterious saloons or speakeasies. Even with those restrictions, I had a hard time narrowing the choices down to ten. The end result is a potential pub crawl I’d give my left hand to go on. I’m sure there’s something for everyone here (as long as they aren’t in A.A.) as it features bars from sci-fi films, horror flicks, and even some fantasy movies. Just remember to pace yourself, because this list of movie bars packs a punch.
10. The Korova Milk Bar – A Clockwork Orange

Of all the dystopian movie bars, one stands out in particular. I’m a little on the fence about actually wanting to visit The Korova Milk Bar since I’m not sure if they sell alcohol or just milk laced with psychedelics (apologies to anyone who’s lactose intolerant). Then there’s the fact that the milk is served from breasts of statues of naked women, which could get awkward; oh, plus the whole being popular with gangs who enjoy a bit of ultra-violence thing. Even taking all that into account, I can’t help being curious about what it might be like to grab a drink here. Still, there’s always the chance that I would get murdered by Alex DeLarge. While I might not survive the night at The Korova Milk Bar, I’m willing to bet it would be an interesting one.
9. Double Deuce – Road House

When it comes to movie bars, few are as rough and tumble as the Double Deuce. While it might have a bad reputation, the good news is that if you keep your hands to yourself, you’ll be just fine. You see, the Double Deuce got itself one heck of a doorman by the name of Dalton. He’s what you might call a warrior philosopher spouting pearls of wisdom like, “Pain don’t hurt.” Alright, Road House isn’t what one might call a “good movie” but it’s still a classic. The Double Deuce might not look like much on the outside, but you can’t put a price on safety, and you know if you head on in there for a drink, Dalton will have your back. So, if you ever find yourself grabbing a beer here, you can do so with peace of mind.
8. The House of Blue Leaves – Kill Bill

This is another one of those mildly dangerous movie bars you might want to think twice about visiting since it’s the headquarters of the Crazy 88. The good news is that Yakuza are pretty professional from what I understand, so if you just pop in for a quick drink you should be fine. What I love about The House of Blue Leaves is that it’s modeled after a Japanese tea house. It’s a very peaceful and beautiful aesthetic that gives it a sort of minimalist elegance. Of course, you do have to watch out for sword fights randomly breaking out from time to time. Those things can escalate quickly, but The House of Blue Leaves has a great cleaning staff that really knows how to get rid of bloodstains. At least, it did under the old owners. There was this whole incident there a while ago and I’m not sure who the new owners are…
7. Rick’s Café Américain – Casablanca

Of all the movie bars in all the towns in all the world, Rick’s Café Américain is probably the most prestigious. Located in Casablanca, Morocco, it’s run by ex-patriot Rick Blaine who is jaded in that charming 1940’s kind of way. It’s the perfect place to get dressed up and take your special someone to for an intimate night. Now, you’re probably wondering why Rick’s Café Américain isn’t higher on this list of movie bars. Well, that’s because I hear that Nazis hang out there sometimes. If there’s one thing that can just ruin a night of drinks, it’s Nazis. Still, Rick’s has no love for Nazis and tends to give them a hard time when he can. So, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to grab a classy cocktail and ask Sam to play our song.
6. The Titty Twister – From Dusk til Dawn

It was only a matter of time before a strip club showed up on this list of movie bars. Here’s the thing about The Titty Twister: on the one hand, it’s main act is one of the best movie strippers of all time, on the other, it’s full of vampires. I know, it’s quite a conundrum. Even though it looks like something out of the road warrior apocalypse, the offer of live music, cold beer, and “chicas caliente” might be too much to pass up. It’s far from the classiest establishment on this list of movie bars, but there’s something to be said for that certain charm that you can only find in places where you’re likely to get tetanus. I’d feel better if The Titty Twister had a Dalton to keep the rowdy ones under control. Better yet, how about a Van Helsing?