The Top 10 Best Movie Mad Scientists

5. Dr. Seth Brundle – The Fly

Posing for the cover of Modern Abomination Monthly.

Why is it that movie mad scientists always feel compelled to test their experiments on themselves? The second something looks like it might work, they’re ready to move on to human testing. To be fair, I don’t think anyone could have imagined the horrifying consequences that would befall Dr. Seth Brundle. I had a lot of philosophical concerns about teleportation before I sat down and watched The Fly. However, “Brundle Fly” quickly became the number one reason I think the technology is a bad idea. For the uninitiated, “Brundle Fly” is what happens when a fly accidentally gets inside a teleportation pod with Dr. Brundle. The two fuse DNA and become one organism in the process. It starts off pretty great, but then things take a really grotesque turn.         

4. Dr. Frederick Frankenstein – Young Frankenstein

For being misunderstood geniuses, mad scientists really never learn.

When it comes to movie mad scientists, the apple never seems to fall too far from the tree. Dr. Frederick Frankenstein might scoff at the experiments that his grandfather performed, but that’s not going to stop him from making the exact same mistake as him. Frederick sets out to replicate his grandpappy’s experiment, hoping to bring a man back to life. Well, he does a pretty good job following the instructions that were left for him, because he ends up with his own “monster” and all the problems that come with it. There were a lot of versions of Dr. Frankenstein that could have made this list, but there are enough really screwed up mad scientists on this list already. Besides, the Mel Brooks version has always been a personal favorite. 

3. Dr. Egon Spangler – The Ghostbusters Films

Who you going to call?

While some good did come from the collaboration between Dr. Egon Spangler and Dr. Ray Stantz, there’s more than enough evidence to suggest that they’re both mad as hatters. Egon though seems just a little crazier in the end, so he earns the spot on this list. While the world was still arguing whether ghosts exist, Dr. Spangler was developing technology to capture them. Once it was perfected, he set out with his chums to monetize his creation by battling friendly and unfriendly ghosts. If it weren’t for Egon, New York City would have been overrun with ghosts and we would have been deprived of the greatest horror-comedy of all time. Fortunately, this is one case where movie mad scientists didn’t almost destroy the world in the pursuit of science.   

2. Dr. Herbert West – The Re-Animator Films

What mad scientist doesn’t have an insufferable God complex?

Dr. Herbert West is easily the most morally bankrupt of all the mad scientists on this list. So convinced of his superior intelligence that he sets off to spit in God’s eye by defeating death. Now, most of you have already probably come up with plenty of reasons why this is might be a bad idea, but Herbert is so focused on proving his own genius that he never stops to consider the consequences of his work. Even when his experiments start going on rampages, he simply shrugs it off. For him, you got to break a few eggs to make an omelet, and you got to create a few abominations to be a mad scientist. His experiments end up working, but at what cost? Not that it was ever a question of cost to Dr. West. He’s easily one of the best examples of the dark side when it comes to mad scientists.   

1. Dr. Emmett Brown – Back to the Future

Who is Scott and why is he great?

Genius and common sense don’t always go hand in hand. Doc Brown is a hell of a guy. It’s hard not to like him. However, I have to question a number of the choices he makes. First of all, if you have to go 88 miles per hour to activate your time machine, why would you use a Delorean to make it? Second, if you’re going to purchase illegal radioactive materials from Libyans, pay them. Third, maybe don’t trust a high schooler with time travel technology? Fortunately, Marty doesn’t create any paradoxes on his joy ride through history. Not that he does any better when he takes his own trip through time. Luckily, the butterfly effect doesn’t seem to exist in their movie universe. Despite his irresponsibility, Doc Brown is one of the most iconic and beloved movie mad scientists of all time, making him the perfect pick for the number one slot.   

Honorable Mention: Dr. Clayton Forrester – Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie

Dr. Forester finally achieved the results he desired thanks to ‘Cats.’

Some men just want to watch the world burn. Dr. Forrester’s dastardly plan was showing the worst movies of all time to an average Joe and see how long it would take for him to go insane. Luckily, his plan doesn’t succeed. I have to wonder where he got the funding to build a space station and launch a guy into orbit just to show him terrible movies…  

Those are my picks for the best movie mad scientists of all time. Mad scientists have been around since the dawn of cinema, so there are plenty of others out there lurking in their labs. Let me know what you think of the list and be sure to share any mad scientists you think should have earned a spot. As always, I’ll be updating this list as new and improved movie mad scientists hit the big screen. So, be sure to check back from time to time in order to see how the rankings change.