5 New Movies to Look Forward to In April 2019

New Month Means New Movies!

April is upon us and thus one of the most exciting months for new movies begins. One thing that stands out immediately is the incredible number of comic book movies hitting theaters this month. Not only are we getting the long-awaited follow up to last years Avengers: Infinity War, but DC is also throwing its hat into the ring with Shazam and we’re getting a remake of a classic comic book movie. However, there’s a lot more than just superheroes this month. A few promising looking horror movies are slated and even a family-friendly animated movie that just might get an Oscar nomination. April has a ton of interesting looking new movies heading your way, which is why I’ve put together a list of the five films I’m the most excited to see in order to help you choose which ones are worth your time!

Shazam!– April 5th

The DCEU has had a rough time getting off the ground, especially with all the fan backlash to films like Batman V Superman, Suicide Squad and Justice League. However, things have started to look up with 2017’s Wonder Woman and last years Aquaman. Now we get Shazam! a hero that most casual comic book fans might not be familiar with. Trust me when I say you’ll have a hard time forgetting him though after seeing him on the big screen. The short story is a teenager gets the ability to transform into a champion with the powers of super strength, speed, and flight. Oh, and he’s also a full-blown adult. Think of it like Big meet Superman. Full disclosure, I’ve already seen the film and wholeheartedly recommend it!

Pet Semetary– April 5th

Stephen King movies are pretty hit or miss. However, after 2017’s It, I have high hopes for Pet Semetary. Early screenings have yielded pretty positive responses and the recent trailers have been incredibly creepy. The original movie creeped me out as a kid and just waiting for the remake has my stomach in knots. I’m hoping it managed to capture everything that made the original so damn good while giving it a fresh coat of paint because it honestly does not hold up very well. I’m a solid fan of Jason Clarke, so seeing his name attached to this film has given me high hopes, especially since he’s joined by John Lithgow. As eager as I am to see this movie though, my inner child is filled with anxiety, which is probably a pretty good sign.

Hellboy– April 12th

Don’t get me wrong, I’m a huge fan of Guillermo del Toro’s take on Hellboy, but the notion of the demonic hero getting an R-rated remake is incredibly exciting. Toss in the fact that Stranger ThingsDavid Harbour is playing Hellboy and I’m sold. The trailer for the new film has also been far from disappointing as well featuring plenty of laughs and creepy imagery. I know a lot of people out there are disappointed that del Toro isn’t getting a chance to finish off his trilogy, but there’s no sense lamenting what could have been. Instead, I’ve decided to turn lemons into lemonade and even went so far as to put this movie among my most anticipated for the year. My expectations are high for this one, but I have a feeling it won’t disappoint.

Missing Link– April 12th

Of course, everyone knows that Pixar is one of the best animation studios in the business these days, but for my money, Laika is another incredible studio that never disappoints. They specialize in stop motion movies animation and brought us such films as Coraline and Kubo and the Two Strings. They might not have that many movies under their belt yet, but all of them have been phenomenal so far. Now they’re bringing audiences another beautiful looking movie with an incredible cast of voice actors. The movie tells the tale of Big Foot (Zach Galifianakis) who seeks out a renowned adventurer (Hugh Jackman) to help him find his long lost relatives. Missing Link looks like a fantastic fun-filled family film, and I can’t wait to see it in theaters.  

Avengers: Endgame– April 26th

Finally, we get to see what comes after the snap heard round the, well, universe. Things didn’t go so hot for Earth’s Mightiest Heroes during their first rumble with Thanos, but don’t count them down and out yet. Not much is known how they’re going to come back from such a devastating loss, but there have been a few, shall we say, interesting theories that have sprung up online recently. Of course, we all know that they’re going to be victorious at the end of Endgame, but at what cost? Who is going to live? Who is going to die? Who knows!?! All I do know is that tickets for this film are going to go fast and I plan to be there opening night with a large bowl of popcorn. I might skip the soda though given the three hour runtime though…

Those are the five new movies I’m looking for the most this month, but I want to hear your thoughts. What films are your the most excited to see? Do you think the ones I listed will be the best of the month? What movie did I leave off that you think should have been part of the five? Leave me a comment below. As always, I’ll have reviews up as soon as these films hit theaters, so be sure to check back and see which ones are really worth the price of admission!