Searching for America’s Sweethearts

Which Big Screen Couple Truly Deserves the Title of America’s Sweethearts?

When it comes to romantic movies nothing beats the chemistry two actors share on the big screen. That’s why when two actors really click you better believe you’ll see them together again and again. Which is why, for Valentine’s Day, I’m taking a look back at the best on screen couples over the years to determine who deserves the ultimate title of America’s Sweethearts. These are the guys and gals that lit up the big screen in some of our favorite romantic movies and because of how well they fit together we saw them return to tackle multiple movies because they managed to make us all fell in love with the idea of, well, them falling in love. So, if you’re looking for a little inspiration for Valentine’s Day you can trust that America’s Sweethearts won’t lead you astray.    

*Please note that movies featuring these couples are not an appropriate substitution for a romantic Valentine’s Day evening with your significant other but can serve as inspiration. Put some freakin’ effort into it, people.

Candidate Couple 1: Drew Barrymore and Adam Sandler
America's Sweethearts
The couple we see ourselves in.
Appeared Together In: The Wedding Singer, 50 First Dates, and Blended

When it comes to America’s Sweethearts few are as relatable at Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore. The two share remarkable chemistry on screen that tends to be the best part of the movies they star in. I won’t argue that all the films they’ve been in together are all great but there’s something endearing about the two of them that gives them a very “real” quality on the big screen. Separately, I might not have the best things to say about them, but together they share that special something that makes them greater than the sum of their parts

Candidate Couple 2: Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman
America's Sweethearts
The real life couple.
Appeared Together In: Days of Thunder, Far and Away, and Eyes Wide Shut

These potential contenders for the title of America’s Sweethearts (full disclosure one of them isn’t American) were actually married for 11 years to each other IRL. The two met on the set of Days of Thunder where she played Cruise’s love interest on screen. That chemistry carried over and they went on to co-star in two other movies (one of which was definitely not an attempt at arthouse softcore porn). Even with their romance on and off the screen, this couple doesn’t earn the top spot and the illustrious title.

Candidate Couple 3: Julia Roberts and Richard Gere
America's Sweethearts
The iconic couple.
Appeared Together In: Pretty Woman and Runaway Bride

Julia Roberts and Richard Gere appeared as one of the most iconic movies couples of all time in Pretty Woman. The film is a weird Cinderella story about a prostitute that gets swept off her feet by a billionaire who ends up falling for her (something that seems a lot more plausible these days). Despite making such a huge splash it took nine years for them to be reunited again in Runaway Bride. Chances of seeing them together again are pretty slim, but that doesn’t mean we can’t look back fondly on this on-screen couple.

Candidate Couple 4: Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire
America's Sweethearts
The classy couple.
Appeared Together In: Flying Down to Rio, The Gay Divorcee, Roberta, Top Hat, Follow the Fleet, Swing Time, Shall We Dance, Carefree, The Story of Vernon and Irene Castle, and The Barkleys of Broadway

Back in the relatively early days of Hollywood Ginger Roberts and Fred Astaire were one of the couples to be considered for the title of America’s Sweethearts. For years they served as the backbone of RKO studios and because of that they found each other co-starring constantly, which turned out to be a very good thing for the studio and audiences both. Astaire was opposed to being part of a “team” at first, but after a little time together he went on to say, “Ginger was brilliantly effective. She made everything work for her. Actually, she made things very fine for both of us and she deserves most of the credit for our success.”

Candidate Couple 5: Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence
America's Sweethearts
The broken couple.
Appeared Together In: Silver Linings Playbook, American Hustle, Serena, and Joy

Beautiful people go together on screen like peas and carrots. Take Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Lawrence. The two were on quite a tear in 2012 to 2015 when they appeared together in four movies back to back together. Of course, they were really only couples in two of those movies, but it’s still an impressive feat. Personally, I was a big fan of theirs in Silver Linings Playbook and I’m hoping that these two get a chance to share their remarkable chemistry on screen again.

Candidate Couple 6: Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling
America's Sweethearts
The couple that still could be.
Appeared Together In: Crazy, Stupid, Love, Gangster Squad, and La La Land

As great as Cooper and Lawrence have been together, they don’t quite have that special something that Emma Stone has shared with Ryan Gosling in their films. I don’t think anyone expected these two to be so damn good together, but after 2016’s La La Land it’s clear these two have that special something that really makes a couple pop on screen together. Together the two might just be the ideal heir’s to the title of America’s Sweethearts. However, even they pale compared to the best on-screen couple of all time.

WINNERS: Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan
America's Sweethearts
The couple we want to fall in love.
Appeared Together In: Joe Versus the Volcano, Sleepless in Seattle, You’ve Got Mail, and Ithaca

When it comes to America’s Sweethearts I doubt anyone will ever be able to challenge Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks claim to the title. The two starred in some of the best romantic comedies of all time that are still shamelessly rolled out every year for Valentine’s Day. Together, they proved over and over to be one of the greatest on-screen couples of all time because they both seem like such genuinely good people that audiences across the globe just couldn’t help but root for them. They might not be the sexiest couple of this list, but they’re easily the most beloved, and that’s why they’re America’s Sweethearts.

There have been plenty of other great couples that have appeared over and over in movies. So, chime in with who some of your favorites have been. Leave a comment below to let me know which actors and actresses you love seeing on the big screen.

One thought on “Searching for America’s Sweethearts

  • February 13, 2019 at 12:16 pm

    Cary Grant and Katherine Hepburn: Sylvia Scarlett (1935) Bringing Up Baby (1938) Holiday (1938) and The Philadelphia Story (1940) , all classics with the exception of Sylvia Scarlett. Rock Hudson and Doris Day did some fun movies too: Pillow Talk (1959) Lover Come Back (1961) and Send Me No Flowers (1964). Pillow Talk is a classic.

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