The Top 10 Best Movie Wizards
Alakazam! Expecto Top 10-O! Behold! The Best Movie Wizards of All Time!
Nothing lights up the silver screen like movie wizards. I mean, why do you think they call it movie magic? Ok, so that’s a stretch, but there have been a ton of amazing spell castors that have appeared over the years, which is why this week’s Top 10 List list is devoted to the best big screen sorcerers. The only rules set are 1) they have to be a live-action wizard 2) they have to have appeared in a theatrically released film 3) they have to actually use magic or perform some sort of miracle (Sorry Oz the great and powerful) 4) they have to be a dude (sorry ladies). That being said, it was a lot harder to narrow down this list to the 10 best, so if you don’t agree with any of the entries, be sure to comment below. In the meantime, get ready because Stars & Popcorn is getting ready to work some magic with another epic top 10 list!
10. Warlock- The Warlock Trilogy

Yeah, I know that this is a list of movie wizards, but according to the thesaurus, this guy totally counts. When you think wizard, you probably picture a guy in a robe with a staff who doesn’t believe in shaving. However, not all movie wizards are benevolent. Enter the Warlock. Sure, his movies are hot trash, but that was a staple of 80’s horror movies. The fact is when you’re looking for evil magical beings the blame often falls on movie witches, but that’s a toxic masculinity thing. Trust me when I say that this guy proves that men are just as capable of using magic for evil as women are. The Warlock makes an appearance is because he’s got that old world evil puritan vibe. A refreshing twist on the usual wizard cliche.
9. Tim the Enchanter- Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Monty Python and the Holy Grail is one of those movies that is beloved by many geeks with poor social skills (I should know). However, it does have one of the strangest movie wizards in movie history in it. Sticking to the trend of synonyms, the second entry on our list is technically an enchanter, but not just any enchanter! This is Tim we’re talking about. He might not get much screen time, but he manages to make quite an impression with his constant demonstrations of power and… eccentric performance. Still, Tim earns a spot on this list because he’s just so unforgettable, and that’s saying something considering everything that happens in that crazy movie. That just goes to show not all move wizards need trilogies to prove how amazing they are.
8. Miracle Max- The Princess Bride

Wizards are supposed to be these all-knowing mysterious beings, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t goofy idiots too. Miracle Max is probably a bit of a stretch when it comes to movie wizards, but there’s already been a warlock and an enchanter, so why not a Miracle Man too? Billy Crystal is completely unrecognizable in what is one of the greatest movies ever made. In it, he saves the day by helping the hero to recover enough to save his true love. Well, that might be giving him a little too much credit, but you know what they say about looking a gift miracle in the mouth. While he might not throw fireballs or defeat a dark lord, Max is still a man who works miracles and that’s still hella impressive.
7. Willow Ufgood- Willow

Warwick Davis is no stranger to fantasy movies and has played his fair share of spell-casters. From the Leprechaun to Professor Filius Flitwick, Warwick has given us some incredible characters, but Willow is easily his most beloved. While Willow might not be the most powerful of the movie wizards on this list (he’s no High Aldwin), but it’s hard not to love his spirit and determination. While Willow might not be the most proficient wizard in the movie world, he’s got brains, and that’s one of the keys to being a great wizard. Besides, he’s got Val Kilmer to watch his back when brains aren’t enough, so you know that things are probably going to be just fine. Hey, there’s a reason they call it sword and sorcery, right?
6. David Lo Pan- Big Trouble in Little China

Sure, this list could have been a feel-good collection of movie wizards who deliver birthday presents with owls or escort vertically challenged heroes to destroy their jewelry, but that’s hardly fair to all those evil sorcerers who work so hard for the recognition they deserve. We’re taking this list to the far east… Of Oakland. David Lo Pan rules San Francisco’s Chinatown with an iron fist. He’s an ancient sorcerer who might not look like much in his frail human form, but underneath that, all is a horrifying wizard who not only has an army of mercenaries, but also mystical warriors, a Chinese version of a Sasquatch, and that weird eyeball guy. He’s a force to be recognized and they only reason we’re still around is that he crossed good old Jack Burton.