Movember: Hollywood Mustaches and Beards to Inspire Your Growth!


Clubber Lang- Rocky III
A beard that pities the fool.

Mr. T pities the fool who tries to grow his Clubber Lang beard. If you want a real challenge this Movember then this might just be the beard for you. Not because it’s necessarily a hard beard to grow, but because it’s going to take some real machismo not to look like an idiot in it. Mr. T was a guy who was so tough anything that touched him instantly became tough, especially that beard of his. If you think you have the necessary toughness to pull this off, then I wish you nothing but godspeed this Movember. Get out there and show them what you’ve got!

Wolverine – Logan
The beard of a beast.

Wolverine is probably best known for his mutton chops, but pretty much no one can pull that off without looking like they’re about to say, “m’lady.” So instead, I present to you the old man Wolverine beard. It’s a carefully crafted and maintained beard, but still gives the appearance of a grizzled man not afraid to yell at kids to “get off my lawn.” It’s clean but tough, the way a beard should be. If you’re starting to appreciate the results of your Movember growth and want to make it permanent, this beard is the perfect way to pull it off without looking like a hobo. Besides, if it’s good enough for Hugh Jackman, it’s good enough for you! 

Tony Stark- The MCU
The beard of a man with way too much free time.

For those of you who have a ton of time on your hands, I present The Tony Stark. It’s an elaborately groomed beard that suggests that you’re so rich that you can spend an hour every morning shaping it and cleaning it up. It’s definitely not a beard for amateurs though, because one wrong clip will ruin the whole thing. It’s like the bonsai tree of Movember, meticulous and classy, yet arrogant to a point where people start to buy what you’re selling. If you have high aspirations for Movember, then this Mount Everest of beards is for you.

Gandalf- The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit Trilogies

The beard of a wise man.

A wizard’s beard is not something to take lightly. There is no humanly way to achieve it in one Movember. No, it will take many Movembers to reach this level of beard enlightenment. Look upon it and bask in its glory. Think of the wisdom and mysteries that lie within it. The small animals that call it home. The bits of food from meals long since past lingering in its locks. This is a beard that is not for the faint of heart, but only those willing to answer a call that comes from deep within. By the time you achieve such greatness your hair very well might be just as silver as Gandalf’s. But the tales of your beard will live long after you.

Thicc Thor- Avengers: Endgame
The beard of the worthy.

So, you tackled Movember and are feeling pretty pumped about how badass your new facial hair is looking? Well, if you want to tackle an expert level beard look no further than Thicc Thor. The guy had a Viking beard on steroids, beautifully braided and ordained with clips that spoke of the many battles it had seen. It’s a look that not many people can pull off without being laughed at. However, if you’re determined to have a warrior’s mane then this is the way to go. It’s a look that only those that are truly worthy can pull off, but you’ll never know until you try. Just don’t go plundering if you do manage to rock it.