Movember: Hollywood Mustaches and Beards to Inspire Your Growth!

Real Life

Charlie Chaplin
This was a good mustache… Until the Nazis ruined it.

So, Hilter kind of ruined this look for everyone. However, I refuse to remember this as the mustache of an insane genocidal fascist, when I can remember it instead as the mustache of one of the greatest comedians that ever lived. I don’t know if I would recommend giving this look a shot this Movember given that real Nazism is on the rise again, but Chaplin shows that anyone can rock a ‘stache no matter how weird it might be. So, if you’re struggling with your peach fuzz this Movember, just remember that with a little creativity you can find the perfect look for you too. 

Nic Offerman
Offerman can grow every style of facial hair and make it look good.

The only thing that Nic Offerman is better known for than his comedic chops and manliness is his glorious facial hair. From mustaches to beards, he can pull it all off. Of course, we best remember him as Ron Swanson from Parks & Recreation, but since then he’s sported beards for plenty of big-screen roles and is the modern Godfather of facial hair. Rumor has it that he has complete control over every hair on his face and can make them grow on command. Not all of us can pull off facial hair as impressive as his, but damn if he doesn’t inspire us to keep reaching for those beautiful bearded stars.   

Sam Elliott
Words fail to describe its beauty.

Tom Selleck, Burt Reynolds, Hulk Hogan, none of their ‘staches compare to Sam Elliott’s. Looking upon it is akin to looking upon the mustache of God himself. It’s simply perfect. More than that though, it suits him. He’s a man who looks as though he’s seen it all and nothing can impress him anymore, and with a mustache like that who can blame him? I wouldn’t get your hopes up of achieving a ‘stache as beautiful as his this Movember. After all, his is the definitive mustache in Hollywood. Still, don’t let that discourage you from trying, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and that is a mustache that deserves lots of flattery.   

Jason Momoa
The manliest beard in Hollywood.

Determined to look like a manly man this Movember, then you’re going to want to take a note from Jason Momoa. Alas, he shaved recently, but I think we’ll be seeing that epic beard again before too long. It’s the beard of a man who drinks beer and throws axes. The beard of a man who’s scar is actually from a bar fight. The beard of a man who will steal your girl (I’m talking to you too ladies). Jason Mamoa is just awesome in every possible way and that includes his beard. If you want to hold your head high with pride this Movember, then the Momoa is the beard for you!

Idris Elba
He’s well aware of the effect his mustache has on women.

Just in case you still think mustaches are lame, I decided to include Idris Elba on this list, AKA one of the sexiest men alive (2018). He’s been rocking a ‘stache for years and the ladies (and fellas) love it. It fits his face perfectly and gives him the distinguished look of a man with years of experience. Doing what? Who cares! While Sam Elliot might have a Godlike ‘stache, it’s far from sexy. Elba though has the kind of ‘stache that makes you stop and seriously consider the offer of a “free mustache ride.” At the same time, his mustache is much too classy to say something so crass. We’re all thinking about it though. 

Honorable Mention: Yosemite Sam
See, even a cartoon can rock a mustache.

When it comes to cartoons, none have quite as impressive a ‘stache as Yosemite Sam. I mean, I’m not even sure he has a face under there. I think he’s just eyes, a nose, mouth, and mustache. That’s pretty impressive all things considered, but it’s not really a look I recommend.

There are tons of other great beards and mustaches to encourage you this Movember! We’re all in this together, so comment below what facial hair you find the most inspiring from the big screen. Remember, this isn’t about having the best beard or mustache in the world, it’s about showing the bros in your life some love. So, keep on growing that peach fuzz my friends, it’ll be glorious in no time! 

And be sure to donate to the Movember Foundation!