Now Streaming: October 2018
New Month Means New Streaming Options!
While it’s always fun to sit down and find some new series to start streaming, October is a special time of year because so many series we already love come back for new seasons. That means a lot of us are going to have shows that we need to keep up with on a weekly basis. Still, that doesn’t mean there won’t be downtime and God forbid any of us have to deal with being alone with our thoughts. So, as always, Stars & Popcorn took some time to look at all the new movies and shows coming to streaming services this month. The big three have a lot of options but this list will give you 5 options from each to help ensure you have plenty of backup options after you catch up on new episodes. The good news is there are a lot of great classics and never before seen movies coming out. I definitely have a few on this list I’m really looking forward to.

Nightbreed (October 1st)
October means Halloween and that means free reign to watch nothing but horror movies all month long. One of the most bizarre horror films I’ve seen in recent memory is Nightbreed and there’s little wonder why this Clive Barker is a cult classic. If you haven’t seen and enjoyed horror movies then you owe it to yourself to add this to your queue. Those of you who have had a chance to see it will know exactly when I’m talking about when I say this is an absolutely insane film.
The Strangers (October 1st)
While The Strangers: Prey At Night didn’t exactly blow my skirt up (it’s coming to streaming services this month too), the original is still one of the best horror movies I’ve seen in the past 10 years and I see it as a modern classic. It’s actually based on the real-life experience of the writer, though he took a few creative liberties with the story. It’s an incredibly well-done horror movie and this is the perfect time of year to watch it.
The Man In The High Castle, Season 3 (October 5th)
The Man in The High Castle is one of the most popular Amazon original series out there. So I know there are a lot of fans who are going to be excited to hear that season three is coming to Prime this month. This is definitely not a series for people who are looking for a light-hearted show to help pass the time. It’s definitely a high brow sci-fi series that tackles the idea of cause and effect to an extreme. If you haven’t seen it, now is the perfect time to start.
Slice (October 18th)
Alright, I’ll admit it. I have a huge crush on Zazie Beetz ever since Deadpool 2. Not in a she’s super hot way (though she is), but in an “oh man I want to be best friends with her” way. Her newest film features her taking on werewolves, ghosts, and even drug dealers all in the line of duty as a pizza delivery driver. This looks like it could be one of my new favorite horror comedies from the trailer and I’ve got it marked on my calendar.
Lore, Season 2 (October 19th)
Halloween is a great time of year to celebrate all the spooky and creepy things out there. That’s why I’m excited that season two of Lore is coming to Prime this October. The series focuses on the source of all the wonderful spooky legends we have the histories surrounding them. So if you’re a fan of horror and all the legends we have about vampires, zombies, mummies, and everything else, this is definitely a show you need to check out. It’s fun and educational!

Bulletproof Monk (October 1st)
Remember Sean William Scott? He was in those American Pie movies and The Rundown with The Rock. A few years back I actually thought he was going to form the holy trinity of funny, absurdly attractive, action stars with Bradley Cooper and Ryan Reynolds. Alas, things didn’t go so well for Scott’s career, but one of the last really great movies he was in that got a wide theatrical release was Bulletproof Monk. It’s not a “good” movie but it’s still a lot of fun.
Hot Tub Time Machine (October 1st)
Streaming the sequel to this break out comedy hit has been incredibly easy. However, the first one has stayed off services for quite a while. Well, for those of you who love the John Cusack original, I’m happy to tell you that it’s soon going to be available for streaming in the comfort of your own home. If you haven’t had a chance to see this film don’t fall into the same trap I did. Yes, it’s the dumbest concept I’ve ever heard of, but that just means that it has no right being as good as it is.
Once Bitten (October 1st)
Just in time for Halloween comes this Jim Carrey horror comedy. This is from his early days as an actor when he was a fresh-faced comedian trying to prove his worth on the big screen. This was a film I loved as a kid and I’m sure it’s one I’m going to love just as much as an adult. So if you want to see Jim Carrey take on vampires and at like a total goofball then this is a film you won’t want to miss out on.
[REC] Franchise (October 1st)
There are so many cliche horror franchises so many of us turn to every October. This year I know I’m going to be binge-watching something a little bit different because the [REC] movies are all coming to Hulu. I can’t remember the last time it was possible to find all four on a streaming service, so I’m about as giddy as can be. Just a heads up, these are subtitled films but they’re totally worth watching even if you do hate reading.
RBG (October 3rd)
Stars & Popcorn isn’t what you would call a political site, but with everything going on with this new scumbag Supreme Court Nomination it seems appropriate that one of the best documentaries of the year just happened to be about one of the most beloved Justices of all time. The Notorious Ruth Bader Ginsburg lead an incredible life fighting for equality and if you haven’t had a chance to see this documentary, take an afternoon to brush up on some American history. You won’t regret it.