The Top 10 Best Movie Monster Hunters
These Movie Monster Hunters are the Best at Kicking Monster butt!
Monsters tend to be a pretty big problem in movies. That’s why this week, I’m taking a look at the best movie monster hunters of all time. When evil creatures slink out of the darkness, these characters are ready to make them regret it. Now, in order to pull together the best list possible, I had to put a few rules in place. For one, the hunters have to be actively seeking out and killing monsters. So, no final girls on this list, since they kill for survival. Two, monsters are tangible creatures, such as vampires, werewolves, and demons. Ghosts are a totally separate thing, so you won’t see The Ghostbusters here. Three, I’m including witches and wizards/warlocks here since the evil ones are just as dangerous and have supernatural abilities. Four, this list is focusing on the characters themselves and not their films. So, don’t be surprised if a few from bad movies show up. Five, there has to be a supernatural aspect to their prey. So, no aliens or alien killers. Even with those rules in place, I’m sure you’d be happy to have any one of these movie monster hunters watching your back once the monsters show up.
10. Buffy Summers- Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Now before you get mad that Buffy Summers is only coming in at number 10 on this list of movie monster hunters, let me remind you that I’m talking about the Kristy Swanson version that came before Joss Whedon turned it into a hit series. Keeping that in mind, Buffy is still a Slayer and because of that, a chosen protector of mankind that keeps the forces of evil at bay. Now, being the Slayer is no easy task, especially for a high school girl in southern California. Not only does she have finals, cheerleading practice, and boy trouble, but she also has to deal with vampires trying to take over the town and her totally creepy mentor (Donald Sutherland). Buffy might be a force to be reckoned with, but in the movie, she’s still dealing with a learning curve.
9. Kaulder- The Last Witch Hunter

Yeah, I know that The Last Witch Hunter wasn’t a “great” movie. However, this list of movie monster hunters is focusing on the characters themselves, not their films. Because of that, I had to include the immortal witch hunter Kaulder. Supposedly he’s based on the DnD character Vin Diesel created back in his geekier days, which is super cool if you ask me. Cursed with immortality by an ancient witch, Kaulder has spent centuries walking the Earth and killing witches and warlocks that threaten mankind. Even though he’s immortal, Kaulder is also one hell of a fighter and has educated himself in all aspects of magic and witchcraft. A solid combination of brains and brawn, I’m hoping Kaulder has better luck in The Last Witch Hunter 2.
8. Ash Williams- The Evil Dead Films

Ash is a fan favorite when it comes to movie monster hunters, but he takes a “bull in a china shop” approach to his style of slaying. Specifically, Ash hunts evil demons known as Deadites. Of course, Ash kind of had a hand in summoning them from the Necronomicon after he takes a vacation to a rural cabin. Still, Ash steps up in a big way when the Deadites try to unleash hell on Earth and instead decides to make their “lives” a living hell. Even when he loses his hand, he doesn’t lose his cocky attitude. Instead, he straps a chainsaw to his wrist and picks up his trusted boomstick to let loose the dogs of war. He’s so dedicated to killing those damn Deadites that even after being thrown back in time he just gets right back to killing them.
7. Hans- Trollhunter

Some of you might not be familiar with the next entry on this list of movie monster hunters. Hans comes from Norway, which has quite a problem with Trolls (the monsters, not internet dweebs). What, you didn’t know? Well, that’s because Hans is damn good at his job. He’s so good at it that he’s the official Trolljegeren of Norway. That’s right, the government chose Hans to keep all the trolls in the country under control. Now, these aren’t your billy goat eating storybook trolls. No, these are full-blown monsters and there are a lot of different species across the country. Some are so massive that they are mistaken for mountains when they’re resting. No matter how big or ferocious they are, Hans doesn’t back down. Killing monsters is just another day in the office for this badass.
6. Gabriel Van Helsing- Van Helsing

When it comes to movie monster hunters few are as distinguished as Abraham Van Helsing. However, that guy’s on-screen kill count is dreadfully low. So, I decided to include Gabriel instead. As I said before, this list isn’t a reflection on the quality of the film the characters appeared in, just the character and their skills when it comes to killing monsters. Because of that, I have to give Hugh Jackman’s character from the terrible Van Helsing movie a respectable spot. Working for the church, Gabriel is dispatched across Europe to take out vampires, werewolves, and any other supernatural creature that might need killing. Thanks to his skills, experience, and gadgets, Gabriel earns a respectable spot on this list.